1.Het verloop van de procedure
2.De gronden van het hoger beroep
Verdrag over de erkenning en tenuitvoerlegging van buitenlandse scheidsrechterlijke uitspraken, New York, 10 juni 1958 (hierna: Verdrag van New York 1958).
Statuut voor het Koninkrijk der Nederlandenluidt:
Verdrag van Wenen inzake het verdragenrecht, Wenen, 23 mei 1969, toe dat een in Nederland geldend verdrag geen of op een ander tijdstip (meestal later) in Aruba, Curaçao of Sint Maarten medegelding krijgt. Denkbaar is dus dat als een Nederlandse rechter een exequatur verleent, het desbetreffende erkennings- en executierecht overzee (nog) geen medegelding heeft. Moeilijk aanvaardbaar is voorts dat een Nederlandse rechter eventueel oordeelt over mogelijke strijd met de openbare orde (‘public policy’; artikel V lid 2 onder b van het Verdrag van New York 1958) overzee. Bovendien schrijft artikel III van het Verdrag van New York 1958 de erkenning en tenuitvoerlegging voor ‘in accordance with the rules of procedure of the territory where the award is relied upon’, welke ‘rules of procedure’ in Curaçao anders zijn dan in Nederland.
Final Share Purchase Agreement”shall mean a share purchase agreement substantially in the same form and with substantially the same terms as the Prospective Share Purchase Agreement …’; en artikel 5 onder 5.1 aanhef en sub b en c: This Agreement … shall terminate on the earliest of: … (b) upon execution and delivery of the Final Share Purchase Agreement; or (c) 12:01 am (Istanbul time) on 60 days from the date hereof … if the Final Share Purchase Agreement has not been executed and delivered by all parties thereto.’
cvan het Verdrag van New York 1958 bepaalt:
ratione materiaeof the agreement, the Arbitral Tribunal notes that J.-F. Poudret/S. Besson, op cit No. 308, page 268, express the following views:
addendaor supplements by which the main contract was changed or amended by mutual agreement (…). Therefore, the question of the extension of the LA arbitration clause (Article 5.4 of the LA) to matters pertaining to the DSPA should first depend on the issue of whether or not the DSPA is to be qualified as being a mere additional, supplement or ancillary agreement to the LA.
execution and delivery” of the Final SPA within the time set forth at Article 5(1)(c) of the LA, such execution and delivery entailing as per Article 5(l)(b) the termination of the LA. Based on the wording of the parties' agreement, failing completion of this condition, the second step could not occur, the LA being likewise terminated and the transaction abandoned. This must logically mean that the LA and the SPA were intended by the parties to be distinct, successive and separate agreements, each of them standing on its own. Logically, it must also follow that the SPA was not intended to be an accessory, a supplement to the LA or its mere extension. Furthermore, in regard to the SPA, the LA cannot be considered as the main contract, nor as a framework agreement, such an exclusive distribution agreement covering individual sale contracts concluded thereafter.
be regarded as being part of a single transaction supporting an extension of the arbitration clause contained in the former agreement to disputes arising out of the latter agreement.
lis pendensor preclusion situation which would justify a declining of its jurisdiction did not exist (…). This Arbitral Tribunal has difficulties in following the approach of the LA Tribunal. When two arbitration agreements are contained in two distinct and separate agreements, it must be presumed that the more recent dispute resolution agreement takes priority over the earlier agreement (…); and that, irrespective of whether or not an arbitration proceeding is also pending under the subsequent agreement as mistakenly affirmed by the LA Tribunal.
"does not require the transfer of the B Shares" which is "
provided by a separate document, the SPA",nevertheless the LA Tribunal in the LA Awards applied the arbitration clause in Article 5.4 of the LA to matters pertaining exclusively to the DSPA, such as ÇUKUROVA's obligation to transfer the said shares and/or damages aimed to compensate SONERA for ÇUKUROVA's failure to perform this obligation.
ad hocpragmatic compromises but on firm and settled legal principles operating under the rule of law. The latter approach respects party autonomy, the parties' consent and the New York Convention; it makes for procedural certainty and legal predictability; and it more readily satisfies the legitimate expectations of users of Swiss arbitration. The former approach may seek to render summary justice in one particular case, but sow the seeds of legal chaos for others to come. Moreover, the long and troubled history of the Parties' dispute in this particular case, spread over several legal systems over so many years with such significant expenses and delays, is proof enough of the extreme dangers of invoking 'efficiency' and 'convenience' as a sufficient reason to disregard basic legal principles. Not infrequently, as here, an apparent short cut takes the longest road.
res judicataeffects are denied accordingly in so far as the LA Tribunal adjudicated claims which were beyond the line to be drawn between the respective scopes of application of the LA and the DSPA arbitration clauses (…).’
cvan het Verdrag van New York 1958.
avan het Verdrag van New York 1958 toepasselijk is, zoals betoogd door prof.mr. A.J. van den Berg in zijn ‘legal opinion’ van 18 april 2012, onder 72 (productie 3 bij beroepschrift), kan in het midden blijven. Ook kunnen onbesproken blijven de andere door Çukurova aangevoerde gronden voor afwijzing van Sonera’s verzoek. Çukurova heeft onvoldoende belang bij haar verzoek dat het Hof de Partial Award van het SPA-Tribunaal erkent ingevolge het Verdrag van New York 1958.