Of [eiser] op basis van de affiliate overeenkomst ook voor de periode vanaf 30 juni 2021 een vordering op Medium Rare heeft, kan evenwel in het midden blijven, aangezien het gerecht de kans aanmerkelijk acht dat Medium Rare een hogere vordering op [eiser] heeft, die zij kan verrekenen met de vordering van [eiser]. Uit de door haar overgelegde chatberichten tussen [eiser] en andere personen, alsmede andere berichten, blijkt namelijk naar het oordeel van het gerecht genoegzaam dat [eiser] op een veel grotere schaal gebruik maakte van matchfixing dan hij heeft doen voorkomen tegenover Medium Rare. Het gerecht volstaat met het citeren van enkele van de chatberichten:
op 24 september 2020 tussen [eiser] en een persoon met de chatnaam [naam 2]:
[naam]: I have a dilemma, the guy I can probably get for TT has huge limits but I also receive 2nd tier rev share from his account and he is a massive loser. I’m gonna make about 20k from his losses this month. Gotta figure out if it’s worth burning that
[naam]: (…) The other thing I’m thinking is if [naam 3] figures it out or suspects it he could shut me down. And I still have massive limits on everything else. And best case scenario is we win a few hundred k before he gets limited
[naam]: Because [naam 3]s not dumb and he knows I know the guy
[naam]: So if a massive loser starts winning everything in TT. Gonna at least cross his mind lol.
op 23 oktober 2020, wederom met [naam 2]:
[naam]: You talk as if I don’t want fix games. (…)
op 28 oktober 2020, tijdens een ruzie met [naam 2]:
[naam]: (…) We hammer TT then we settle. You owe me a lot. You guaranteed me 15k a month when I wanted to quit and said you would cover whatever was short. I’ve burned relationships and accounts. Yes this is a dick move, I am aware, but I have made you a shit ton of money. I need to get mine.
[naam]: it got cut because of your toxic ass bets I put thru on my account…
[naam]: I’m not betting your shit anymore. It’s too toxic, it’s too obvious. And it fucked me.
[naam]: you made over a quarter of a million dollars off of me and my accounts
[naam]: and your toxic bets that can be spotted a mile away, got my accounts closed, commission cut because [naam 3] thinks I basically stole from him.
betting fixed shit and hes pretty much right.
I knew what I was getting into, but had no idea u guys were so fucking dumb and obvious about it
[naam]: (…) [naam 3] had his devs do full review of my account, to the exact dollar he claims I scammed for betting fixed matches, he said bet radar sends reports for suspicious matches and bets and I was in almost all of them. so he cut my commission.
[naam 2]: But you knew what you were betting (…) We can still use all the other accounts and make a lot of profit. (…)
[naam 2]: You have infinite other sites
When is even the last time we bet on stake
We don’t need that
It’s not about stake
[naam 2]: But I need 12 eth and why would you lose this with me You know there are fixes
[naam]: You say stealing, I say taking a small piece of what im owed. due to the fronting, the guarantee, the cut commission and im sure im missing another way ive gotten fucked while u made a quarter million
[naam]: you fucked me on the fronting, you fucked my accounts, you fucked my commission.
[naam 2]: (…) You earned money. 20-25%. You earned a lot yourself
[naam]: You owe me 4K + what’s short of the 15k guarantee. I’m not counting the 5k I threw away. Or the commission you cost me
[naam 2]: I made you safe profit most of the time
en op 2 maart 2021, een bericht van [eiser] aan een derde:
(…) cuz I pounded [naam 3] on some fixed matches I was getting from a good source, and he lit into me… I can’t risk that affiliate money… im super square… I think [naam 3] could spot it… but if i can do it at betcoin and playbetr, no problem, don’t care about those accounts