2.2In cassatie kan van het volgende worden uitgegaan.
(i) [de werknemer] (hierna: de werknemer) is geboren in 1968. In 1995 is hij bij Hyatt in dienst getreden als casinodealer.
(ii) In 2012 heeft de werknemer getekend voor de ontvangst van een personeelshandboek. In dat handboek staat onder meer:
“The use or possession of alcohol during the working day or reporting to work under the influence is also a violation of Hyatt’s substance abuse policy and may result in progressive counseling up to and including separation of employment.
If Hyatt suspects an employee has violated the substance abuse policy, they may request that the employee submit to drug and/or alcohol testing.”
(iii) Met enige regelmaat neemt Hyatt bij wijze van steekproef urinemonsters af bij haar personeel ter controle op het gebruik van drugs. Ook controleert zij met enige regelmaat de adem van personeelsleden op het gebruik van alcohol.
(iv) In juni 2015 heeft Hyatt de werknemer schriftelijk gewaarschuwd. De waarschuwing vermeldt dat de werknemer heeft toegegeven niet zijn eigen urine te hebben ingeleverd voor een test, maar die van zijn zwager, en dat in een test van de eigen urine van de werknemer sporen van cocaïne en cannabis zijn aangetroffen. Daarna heeft de werknemer een rehabilitatieprogramma doorlopen.
(v) In september 2015 heeft de werknemer een brief ondertekend, getiteld “Letter Agreement Setting Out Conditions of Continuing Employment”. Die brief vermeldt onder meer:
“[A]s a condition of your continuing employment with the Company, to which you agree by your signature below, you will be subject to at least 6 random drug and/or alcohol tests for a period of 12 months, commencing on September 7, 2015. This testing may be conducted within the sole discretion of the Company, and it is your duty and obligation to submit to such testing under reasonable circumstances as requested by the Company.
Hyatt has a strong commitment to its employees to provide a safe workplace and to promote employee health. Consistent with this commitment, we expect all our
employees to maintain an environment that is free of the effects of illegal drugs and alcohol.
The use or possession of alcohol during the working day or reporting to work under the influence is considered a serious violation of Hyatt's substance abuse policy.
If similar situation should happen again, where you report to work under the influence will lead to immediate termination of your employment with the company.”
(vi) Op 22 september 2015 is bij de werknemer een controle uitgevoerd. Het resultaat daarvan wees niet op het gebruik van drugs en wel op het gebruik van alcohol. In oktober 2015 is de werknemer in verband daarmee aangeschreven. De brief vermeldt onder meer:
“We urge you to realize the importance of strictly following our Drug-free workplace policy, as well as all instructions given (…) in connection with your rehabilitation program.
As mentioned on previous occasions, should you be found in violation of our Drug- free workplace policy or should you fail to strictly [follow] the instructions given in connection with your rehabilitation program, immediate termination of your labor agreement will follow.”
(vii) Op 29 februari 2016 heeft de werknemer (minimaal) zes rum-cola’s gedronken. Om 19.50 uur heeft hij zich op het werk gemeld bij de night shift manager. Deze is met hem naar de human relations manager gegaan. Die heeft de werknemer verzocht mee te werken aan een onderzoek naar de aanwezigheid van (in elk geval) alcohol. De werknemer heeft dat geweigerd.
(viii) Op 1 maart 2016 is de werknemer op staande voet ontslagen. De ontslagbrief vermeldt onder meer:
“On Monday, February 29, 2016, you were scheduled to work from 8:00 pm to 4:00 am. You showed up for work at approximately 7:50 pm.
When your Manager was talking to you, he observed that your behavior was unusual, that your speech was slow, that you smelled of alcohol and that your eyes were bloodshot.
You were clearly explained (...) that you needed to be tested immediately for alcohol and drugs (...). You were asked several times to go and do the alcohol and drug test. You refused and said that you will not do the test (...).
We have concluded our investigation and have established that you grossly violated our Drug and Alcohol Policy. You showed up for work smelling of alcohol, with bloodshot eyes, talking in a slow/slurry manner and behaving strangely. Furthermore, you refused to undergo a Drug & Alcohol Test after having been clearly instructed to do so.
After reviewing your file, we also established that in June 2015, you were already given a chance to keep your job and to adhere to our Drug & Alcohol free workplace policy. The importance of strictly adhering to our Drug & Alcohol free workplace policy was once again stressed to you in September 2015, as well as the fact that not undergoing a drug & alcohol test as instructed would constitute an urgent reason for the immediate termination of your labor agreement.
Your actions of February 29, 2016, as described above, individually, as well as in connection with the previous incidents of June 2015 and September 2015, as described above, constitute an urgent reason for the immediate termination of your labor agreement as per today, March 1, 2016.”