De beoordeling
De feiten
1. De volgende feiten zijn tussen partijen niet in geschil.
1.1. Ahmtec en haar zustervennootschap FOS zijn ondernemingen op het gebied van kabelbescherming respectievelijk onderzeese bouwkunde.
1.2. Begin 2008 kocht Ahmtec kabelprotectoren (beschermers van onderwaterkabels) van Prodect B.V., gevestigd te Schoonebeek.
1.3. Bendal is bestuurder van Prodect B.V., SAB is bestuurder van Bendal en [geïntimeerde 3] is bestuurder van SAB. [geïntimeerde 3] is, via SAB, houder van 51% van de aandelen in Prodect B.V. Bendal en SAB zijn beide statutair gevestigd te Emmen.
1.4. Ahmtec heeft in januari 2008 twee typen kabelprotectoren besteld bij
Prodect B.V., te weten het type PRO-CPS 160/500 en het type PRO-CPS 130/500 voor in totaal € 1.217.876,-. Ahmtec was op grond van de overeenkomst verplicht de helft van de koopprijs bij vooruitbetaling te voldoen.
1.5. Over de uitvoering van deze overeenkomst is tussen Ahmtec en Prodect B.V. een geschil ontstaan. Volgens Ahmtec verhoogde Prodect B.V. de prijs voor de reeds bestelde protectoren, terwijl Prodect B.V. zich op het standpunt stelde dat Ahmtec achterstanden in de betalingsverplichting liet ontstaan.
1.6. Tussen Ahmtec en Prodect B.V. is vervolgens een vaststellingsovereenkomst ('settlement agreement') tot stand gekomen, gedateerd 9 december 2008 (hierna: vaststellingsovereenkomst I). Deze vaststellingsovereenkomst I is namens
Prodect B.V. getekend door [geïntimeerde 3]. Blijkens de tekst daarvan zijn zij, voor zover van belang, het volgende overeengekomen:
a. PRODECT as a seller and AHMTEC as a buyer have entered into an agreement for the sale of submarine cable protectors type PRO-CPS160/500 and PRO-CPS130/500 with a total value of € 1.217.876,00;
b. AHMTEC was obliged to pay half of the purchase price upfront and the other half at delivery (ex-works) of the submarine cable protectors,
c. AHMTEC did not fulfil its obligations to pay half of the purchase price upfront, which - in July - has caused parties to discuss the purchase orders and to clarify what AHMTEC already should have paid and still had to pay.
d. On or about August 2008, parties agreed that PRODECT should still deliver 4.371 meters of PRO-CPS130/500 and 2.972 meters of PRO-CPS160/500,
e. As a down payment for these to be delivered quantities, AHMTEC paid an amount of € 324.048,00,
f. On or about September 27th, , 2008, PRODECT has informed AHMTEC that it was forced to increase its prices for the purchased products form € 85,00 to € 95,00 per meter for PRO-CPS130/500 and from € 90,00,00 € 135,00 per meter for PRO-CPS160/500;
g. In reaction to the increase of the purchase price, AHMTEC has cancelled the order for the delivery of PRO-CPS160/500 with the exception of the delivery of 500 meters, which could be delivered against the old price of € 90,00 per meter, and has accepted the increased prices for PRO-CPS130/500;
h. PRODECT has in turn informed AHMTEC that it claimed costs and lost profits from AHMTEC because of the cancellation of the order of PRO-CPS160/500 and stated that it would use the down payment already made (…)
i. AHMTEC disputed the claim of PRODECT and stated in turn to have a claim against PRODECT regarding the increase of the price;
j. PRODECT and AHMTEC have entered into discussions to resolve their differences on November 25th, 2008, in which discussions parties reached an agreement set forth herein.
Article 1 Sale
1.1 PRODECT hereby sells to AHMTEC (…) 4.500 meters PRO-CPS130/500 and 500 meters PRO-CPS160/500 (…)
Article 2 Price
2.1 The purchase price for the PRO-CPS130/500 is € 95,00 per meter and the purchase price for the PRO-CPS160/500 is € 90,00 per meter. The total purchase price aggregates to € 472.500,00 (…).