15.2.All disputes arising from this Letter of Intent shall exclusively be resolved by the competent court in Rotterdam, the Netherlands."
De onderhandelingen zijn in september 2019 beëindigd zonder dat de transactie is doorgegaan. Bij e-mail van 5 september 2019 schreef AMG aan Imap, met cc aan Bluehoef:
Following the exchange with [naam] ([bestuurder Bluehoef], hof), we revert to you to explain our decision to terminate the transaction process.
We had a shareholder meeting beginning of the week to disclose our latest explanations about the business of THB.
The analysis they make, together with our financing bank Goldman Sachs, is the following one:
• The marine business has decreased by more than 3M€ between 2016 and 2018
• Compensated by power plant business in countries which are part of the grey/black list of Goldman Sachs
• In the first semester 2019, the marine business has boomed up by 1M€ vs. 2018 but to the detriment of the gross margin which has been reduced by -4pt
• The first semester represents only 30% of the business of the year which means a high uncertainty in the 2019 results
To the light of these arguments, they propose to postpone the transaction.
[bestuurder Bluehoef] has explained his business point of view to which we adhere but this is the first time we face an opposition from our shareholder.
We have therefore decided with [bestuurder Bluehoef] to stop the transaction process as of today.
It is a real disappointment for us and we truly hope we will be able to maintain the contact and the nice and sincere relationship we have built over the past 2 years.(…)"
AMG reageerde bij e-mail van 23 oktober 2019 als volgt:
You informed [bestuurder Bluehoef] (…) that the decision to terminate the transaction had been made in the general meeting of shareholders of Alliance based on an analysis made by the shareholders in collaboration with Goldman Sachs.(…)
Bluehoef would greatly appreciate it if you would commit yourself to have Alliance to provide Bluehoef with a more well-founded explanation of what has actually taken place, as a result of which Alliance's shareholders have apparently decided to terminate the transaction at the very last moment.(…)
In the LOI that the parties have concluded, an arrangement has been made with regard to terminate the negotiations. In short, this arrangement means that the parties can freely break off the negotiations and that there is no right to compensation or that one of the parties can derive rights from the transaction documents as long as the transaction documents are not validly signed. However, such an arrangement does not mean that you are entirely free to terminate the negotiations and can invoke this exoneration clause. (…)
By terminating the negotiations on the basis of a decision by another body within your organisation based on information that has been known for a long time or belongs to the public domain, it is clear that Alliance failed to take the interests of Bluehoef in consideration or at least not in a way that was appropriate to the situation. (…)
Although compensation for damage including loss of profit would be realistic in view of the present complex of facts, Bluehoef also understands that it is not obvious that you will be prepared to compensate
for this damage without judicial intervention. Partially in view of the fact that Bluehoef would still have to "earn" part of the purchase price on the basis of an earn-out, it also does not really feel inclined to oblige you to continue the negotiations to come to an agreement. Making this possible with an "unwilling" partner does not seem to be very appealing.
Without wishing to waive its rights to these claims, Bluehoef is prepared to limit its claim and request you to compensate its damage, consisting of the costs it has incurred for this transaction. These costs are (…)currently amount to E 257.380,--.(…)"
AMG heeft zich richting Bluehoef op het standpunt gesteld dat zij de onderhandelingen kon afbreken zonder vergoeding van kosten aan Bluehoef.
In het voorjaar van 2021 heeft Bluehoef de aandelen in de vennootschap verkocht aan een derde (Thorqx Capital Partners, verder: Thorqx).