2.2.Het gaat in deze zaak om het volgende.
( i) [werknemer] is op 4 april 2005 op basis van een arbeidsovereenkomst met de VS in dienst getreden op het Consulaat-Generaal van de VS in Amsterdam. Zij was werkzaam als ‘ [functienaam] ’ op de Visa-Afdeling op het Consulaat-Generaal. De arbeidsovereenkomst bevat de volgende bepaling:
7. Termination of employment before the expiration date of the agreement for security reasons
In addition to satisfactory job performance and availability of funding for the position, continuation of this agreement is also subject to the satisfactory completion of the processing of the national employee’s employment clearance and the retention of such employment clearance. The employer may terminate the agreement at any time without giving prior written notice in case this would be required for security reasons. A national employee is subject to separation without notice when the head of the overseas establishment, or his representative, believes that his or her continued employment presents a security risk to the United States or to the U.S. Govern men overseas establishment.”
( ii) Bij brief van 18 januari 2019 is [werknemer] , hangende een onderzoek van de ‘Consular Section Chief and Regional Security Officer’ (RSO), op non-actief gesteld zonder doorbetaling van loon. De aanleiding voor de op non-actiefstelling was het volgende:
[werknemer] heeft gedurende een periode van tien jaar nagelaten in Nederland belasting te betalen. Dit heeft in een aanzienlijke belastingschuld geresulteerd.
[werknemer] heeft in 2014 aan de VS medegedeeld dat zij samen met haar belastingadviseur in overleg was met de Nederlandse Belastingdienst om de situatie op te lossen. Die mededeling was onwaar.
( iii) Op 24 januari 2019 is [werknemer] op staande voet ontslagen. De ontslagbrief vermeldt het navolgende:
Due to critical false statements, and failure to honor valid debts and legal obligations, the RSO has determined that the actions of [werknemer] have rendered her unsuitable for continued employment with the U.S. Mission.
(…) As of January 23, 2019, the RSO has revoked the security clearance for Ms. [werknemer] , following an investigation, which warrants her summary dismissal. The RSO had determined that it is in the best interest of the U.S. Government that Ms. [werknemer] not have access to the U.S. Consulate and has terminated her access to Department email and servers for security reasons.
(…) According to 3 FAM 7731, an employee is subject to immediate summary dismissal if either:
The Ambassador determines that the continued employment of the employee presents a security threat to the United States.
The final results of a security and suitability investigations are adverse and recommendation for separation is made by the Regional Security Officer.
(…) Consequently, the employment is herewith terminated with immediate effect for security reasons. (…)
(…) In addition, the security risk, as well as the offenses themselves, are of such serious nature both separately and collectively, that they constitute an urgent cause for immediate termination of employment.