2.2.De door de rechtbank in het vonnis van 16 september 2015 vastgestelde feiten zijn niet in geschil. Ook het hof zal daar van uitgaan.
Het gaat in deze zaak om het volgende:
a. DORC drijft een onderneming die medische en chirurgische apparatuur en instrumenten ten behoeve van oogheelkundige ingrepen produceert en verkoopt. DORC zet haar producten af in 80 landen, waaronder Turkije.
b. Karola drijft een onderneming die zich bezig houdt met de verkoop van medische en chirurgische apparatuur en instrumenten. Sinds 2005 is [bestuurder Karola] (hierna: [bestuurder Karola]) statutair bestuurder van Karola.
c. Vanaf 2001 is Karola opgetreden als distributeur van DORC in Turkije. Partijen hebben daartoe verschillende elkaar opvolgende overeenkomsten voor bepaalde tijd gesloten. De laatste schriftelijke overeenkomst – onder de titel “Distribution Agreement” – is tot stand gekomen op 25 maart 2010 en had gelding van 1 januari 2010 tot 31 december 2010. Na die datum is de overeenkomst (hierna: de distributieovereenkomst) voor onbepaalde tijd voortgezet.
d. De distributieovereenkomst bevat onder andere de bepalingen zoals door de rechtbank in het bestreden vonnis geciteerd onder 2.5. Met betrekking tot beëindiging (‘termination’) bevat de overeenkomst de volgende voorziening:
“11. Termination
Either party may at any time terminate this Agreement with immediate effect by giving notice of termination in writing to the other party in the event any of the following events occurs:
(A) if the other party fails to perform any of the duties, obligations or responsibilities it has undertaken pursuant to this Agreement, or otherwise breaches or violates any of the terms or conditions of this Agreement, and (i) correct performance is no longer possible, or (ii) such failure to perform, or such breach or violations continues for more than thirty (30) days after notice thereof has been given by the aggrieved party; […]
In the event that Distributor fails to comply with the sales targets set forth in article 7.2, D.O.R.C. may terminate this agreement by written notice of termination to Distributor with due observance of a notice period of 3 (three) months.
At termination of this Agreement on whatever ground D.O.R.C. will not be liable for the Distributor’s loss of profit, goodwill, creation of clientele, advertising costs, costs of samples, termination of labour contracts, employees' wages or salaries or for whatever other cost incurred by the Distributor.
In the event that this Agreement is to be terminated for whatever reason, Distributor shall enable D.O.R.C. to continue marketing the Products and other D.O.R.C. products within the Territory, using the same sales outlets as used throughout the term of the Agreement. Further, Distributor shall provide D.O.R.C. with all relevant information, such as but not limited to customer lists.
e. Bij e-mail van 12 februari 2012 heeft [medewerker 1] van DORC aan Karola onder andere bericht:
“Since the Karola/DORC account has been settled now we can continue the DORC business in Turkey, unfortunately after a gap of 1.5 months.(…)”
f. Bij e-mail van 16 februari 2012 heeft [medewerker 2] van DORC aan Karola onder andere bericht:
“(…) In my previous mail I alredy mentioned the payment behaviour of Karola. We were forced to put the Karola account on hold because of continuous late payments and a high exceeding of the credit limit. Promises made earlier were not kept. Only after our discussion two weeks ago, the total debt was finally cleared February 10. (…)”
g. Bij e-mail van 23 februari 2012 heeft [medewerker 2] onder andere het volgende aan Karola bericht:
“(…) During our meeting in Zuidland[op 22 februari 2012; hof]
we discussed that you fulfilled your payment obligations so far, however the following issues (as per my e-mail of February 16) remain:
. payment behaviour
. (…)
We were not able to agree on the above issues (…). Unless we agree to the above before March 15, we are forced to terminate the authorized distributor agreement between DORC and Karola.”
h. Per 1 maart 2012 heeft DORC een tweede distributeur voor Turkije aangesteld, I-Med Tibbi Cihazlar San. Tic. Ltd. Şti. (hierna: I-Med).
i. Per e-mail van 21 mei 2012 heeft DORC aan Karola bericht dat de kredietlimiet van Karola bij DORC wordt gewijzigd van € 100.000 naar € 25.000 “to minimize our risk”.
j. Bij e-mail van 25 juni 2012 heeft de debiteurenadministratie van DORC aan Karola bericht:
“ (…) Today we have received your payment of € 31.150.
However your overdue amount was € 48.501,75, so this means there is still € 17.351,75 open.
Please be so kind to make a payment for this amount. Until we have received your full payment, we will not ship any new items. (…)”
k. Bij brief van 17 augustus 2012 heeft DORC onder andere het volgende aan Karola meegedeeld:
"As repeatedly stated in our previous written correspondence and meetings, D.O.R.C. is unsatisfied with Karola's achievements as its distributor, as Karola has breached several of its obligations under the Agreement. Among others, Karola has breached the Agreement by continuously making late payments and by not achieving the targets in the previous years, except for the year 2011, while the prospect is that sales developments also this year are stagnant. Furthermore, Karola does not exert its best efforts to promote and market D.O.R.C’s products within the territory and is keeping the prices of D.O.R.C. products artificially high in the market.
Due to, among others, the above mentioned reasons, D.O.R.C. has lost its faith in a fruitful collaboration with Karola and has therefore decided to terminate the agreement.
Please consider this letter as our formal notice to you that, in accordance with paragraph 11 of the Agreement, we are terminating the Agreement per 31 December 2012.”
Deze brief heeft DORC onder andere verzonden per aangetekende brief en Karola heeft de aangetekende brief ontvangen.
l. Op 9 september 2012 heeft in Milaan een ontmoeting tussen partijen plaatsgevonden. Daar is gesproken over de beëindiging van de distributierelatie.