[plaats1](hierna: belanghebbende)
inspecteurvan de
Belastingdienst/Kantoor Utrecht(hierna: de Inspecteur)
1.Ontstaan en loop van het geding
2.Vaststaande feiten
of all the management and operation costs (including costs on accounting, legal, consulting services, office rent,.etc.) incurred by the Agent.”
management and operation” bedraagt.
[belanghebbende], a private limited liability company registered in the Commercial Register of the Netherland's Chamber of Commerce on April 09, 2013 under Commercial Register No. [nummer1] (hereinafter — "the Company"), declare that:
Mr. [naam13](a citizen of the Republic of [land1] , male, date of birth: [in] 1977, place of birth: [land1] , passport of citizen of the Republic of [land1] No. [nummer2] issued by the Ministry of Internal Affairs on 26.07.2013 and valid till July 25, 2023) is the Ultimate Beneficial Owner of the Company.”
[belanghebbende],Netherlands (“Borrower”, ”Company”, (…) etc). The Company trades in heavy oil products (fuel oil, vacuum gasoil), sourcing from [land1] and selling to major offtakers such as [naam15] and [naam16] .
[belanghebbende] enters into framework purchase agreement with a supplier,with estimated shipment period and volumes.
loaded and dispatched by railway to the offtakers.
[naam9] Ltd,registered in BVI. Please refer to Annex 6 for the group structure. Essentially, [belanghebbende], as an undisclosed Agent of [naam9] Ltd, executes transactions in its own name, but for the risk and account of [naam9] Ltd. The corresponding Agency Agreement (dated 29.01.2014) has been obtained from the client and shared with [naam14] . [Belanghebbende] charges 10% of all management and operating expenses as an Agent's Fee and transfers the resulting surplus of transactions to [naam9] . The surplus in 6 months 2013 was USD 981,360.00.
Guarantorunder our facility, instead of ‘as a co-borrower’.
4.Beoordeling van het geschil
5.Griffierecht en proceskosten
de Hoge Raad der Nederlanden via het webportaal van de Hoge Raad www.hogeraad.nl.
de Hoge Raad der Nederlanden (belastingkamer), postbus 20303, 2500 EH Den Haag.Alle andere personen en gemachtigden die beroepsmatig rechtsbijstand verlenen, zijn in beginsel verplicht digitaal te procederen (zie