bij de rechtbank gedaagde,
advocaat mr. J.C. Klompé te Loosdrecht,
in hoger beroep geïntimeerde,
bij de rechtbank eiser,
mr. J.C. Klompé te Loosdrecht,
1.[geïntimeerde2] ,
bij de rechtbank verweerder,
in hoger beroep geïntimeerde,
2.[geïntimeerde3] B.V.
bij de rechtbank verweerder,
1.Het verloop van het geding in eerste aanleg in de hoofdzaak en vrijwaring
2.Het verloop van het geding in hoger beroep en vrijwaring
3.Korte weergave van de zaak
4.Rechtsmacht en toepasselijk recht in hoofdzaak en vrijwaring
5.De feiten
Dear Mr. [appellant] , You have launched with us the [naam1] ( [naam1] ) and we are curious what your plans are? If you want to leave the boat here, the fee per day is 50,- excluding VAT. If we have to do work for you please let me know. Do you still want some of the used materials we have in stock. Do we have to offer you to replace the standing rigging. We will place the books i have on board what 1h ave at home. I will place the manuals and all papers on board. You have bought the boat from private owner therefore we can not make invoice, you have only the brokerage contract. We gave you the copy VAT statement, the original we can give you next time you collect the boat. Please let me know how we can help you.
“ [geïntimeerde3]mr. [geïntimeerde2] .”
“Hi [geïntimeerde2] , technical: Please proceed with the work to remove the water from the yacht and concentrate on recovering the Gardner engine. The work on the electrical system is not so important as we have to decide how much to replace. The other items can wait till I come to see them. We do not quite understand that the water comes in through the syphon to the art cabin toilet and through the syphon, to the main cabin and forward toilet so how then does it go to the engine compartment?? This is watertight yes?Insurance; the general view here is that as the yacht was in your yard/dock and the space is paid for to you then you have a duty of care which your insurance should cover.Travel; next week I have to clear up a health problem but now have booked a flight on Monday 13 June to be with you. As more photographs will be needed please leave as much as possible to be as you found it. Thank you and we wait my visit.”
“Dear Mr. [appellant] , I am shocked by your mail and the standpoint of your insurance company to keep [naam2](Hof: een handelsnaam van [geïntimeerde1] , niet te verwarren met [geïntimeerde3] )
responsible for the yacht we are not ownership of and have not worked on after the delivery of the yacht? To make clear for you and me: Cruising Association is owner of [naam1] and is responsable to have the boat in condition safe to launch and to float. Cruising Association has insured the boat during docking in water and on land, [appellant] has ordered winterstorage at [naam2] . We as Yard are not insured for the boat and not for the time she is laying on our dock, Cruising Association has worked during the winter various days to make the boat ready to launch and sail. Cruising Association has worked after launching the yacht in the water for 3 days and should have closed under water sea cocks prior leaving the vessel. I advice you to put me in contakt with the appointed surveyor to get clear why they want to keep the storage yard responsible for defect of an system the yard never has worked on? Expect to get feedback from you regarding insurance.”
6.De vordering en beslissing in eerste aanleg (hoofdzaak en vrijwaring)
7.De motivering van de beslissing
a. voorafgaand aan de koop: tot 17 september 2015;
c. na aflevering tot aan de winterstalling: 1 oktober 2015 – eind oktober 2015;
e. vanaf te waterlating tot zinken is geconstateerd: 26 mei 2016 – avond van 1 juni 2016
f. vanaf plaatsing van het schip op de kade: vanaf 1 juni 2016.