1.de maatschapPaardenkliniek [geïntimeerde1] ,gevestigd te [vestigingsplaats] ,
wonende te [woonplaats1] ,
[geïntimeerde3] ,wonende te [woonplaats1] ,
wonende te [woonplaats1] ,
1.De verdere procedure in hoger beroep
2.De verdere beoordeling in hoger beroep
“We need the prepurchase examination report (...) We need also ultrascan documents and x-rays in DICOM fomat. Can you send them ASAP (...).”[de verkoper] antwoordt:
“I don‘t have all this, You have to ask my father about this information.”Op 18 augustus 2015 schrijft [de bestuurder van de koper] aan [de verkoper] :
“We made the decision to buy the mare (...) according to the (...) prepurchase examination made in [geïntimeerde1] paardenkliniek (...) We have got the results only by phone call from your father where he told us that everything was perfect. We have still not received examination report neither ultrascan nor original x-rays in DICOM format”. Vervolgens vindt er op 20 augustus 2015 correspondentie plaats tussen [de bestuurder van de koper] en [geïntimeerde2] . [de bestuurder van de koper] schrijft:
“Do you agree that the mare (...) was lame from right front at [de verkoper] place (...) We together noticed that the high palmar metacarpal area was a bit swollen at the same time? Do you remember that you promised to scan that area”.In een volgend bericht schrijft hij:
“Did you scan it (...)? Don’t you agree that there is remarkable difference between the x-rays from the (...) spine taken by you and me? Was the horse still lame during the prepurchase examination? The truth is that the horse is suffering from pain in right front leg and back and of course is not capable to perform”. [geïntimeerde2] antwoordt:
“Yes we did scan. As 1 tried to explain the position of the vertebra varies a lot with the position of the head. If the position varies so much there is no adhesion or stiffness in the vertebrae, same back jumped 170 with no problem (...)”. Op dezelfde datum bericht [de bestuurder van de koper] ook nog aan [geïntimeerde2] :
“Still waiting documents: written report, ultrascan pictures and x-rays in Dicom”. [geïntimeerde2] antwoordt:
“Will bring everything with me”.
“I don't remember exactly all the things Dr [geïntimeerde2] said but there were no doubt about the message which he gave during the phone call. The message was that everything was perfect with the health of the horse [het paard] . [de bestuurder van de koper] made few questions for example concerning the lameness which they had noticed after the test ride at [de verkoper] place and about scanning. Dr. [geïntimeerde2] said that everything was fine.”In haar aanvullende verklaring van 6 mei 2021 (productie 74 voor de comparitie van partijen in hoger beroep) schrijft zij:
“The message was that everything was perfect with the health of the horse [het paard] . I remember that [de bestuurder van de koper] wanted to know the results of the pre-purchase examination that Dr. [geïntimeerde2] had just performed earlier that day at [geïntimeerde1] clinic. He made questions concerning the lameneless which they had noticed after the test ride at [de verkoper] ’s place. [de bestuurder van de koper] asked more than once if the horse was still lame and he wanted to know how the whole clinical examination went. Dr. [geïntimeerde2] said that everything was fine and that the horse was not lame anymore. I remember that Dr. [de bestuurder van de koper] also asked several questions about the x-rays and ultrasound examination. Dr. [geïntimeerde2] said that everything was fine and he promised to send all the documents. I understood that based on this phone call Dr. [de bestuurder van de koper] made his decision to buy the horse because I heard that he said to Dr. [geïntimeerde2] that because everything is fine we will by the horse.”