3.9.In juli 2019 hebben BST en Action een “Purchase Agreement” (verder: de Overeenkomst) gesloten, ingaande op 1 juli 2019 en eindigende op 31 december 2022. Annex I van de Overeenkomst (Materials and/or Services) benoemt de diensten van BST en Annex 2 (Prices and payment) haar tarieven en betalingsvoorwaarden. Zowel Annex 1 als Annex 2 is opgesteld door BST. In Annex l staat onder meer:
- Objective is to deliver optimum results with significant savings in overall spend.”
SOW:[Statement of Work, opm. hof]
l. Analysis
a. Analysis of current GTT contract
b. Analysis of GTT renewal offer
c. Submission of a benchmark: the "starting position"
2. RFP: Author RFP, conduct RFP, negotiations, vendor selection, closing. €15,000
a. Draft a limited, concise and brief RFP, working hand in hand with procurement and IT
b. Determine participants
c. Distribute RFP to participants
d. Invite participants to send proposals
e. Answer first round of Q&A
f. Set a date (two working days) for presentations at Zwaagdijk
g. Conduct negotiations
h. Present interim recommendations to Action
i. Negotiate the most competitive offer possible, from the preferred vendor
j. Pursue closing with the selected vendor
3. Invoice review and auditing, inventory management, assistance in ordering process, engagement fulfillment, FOC (vendor's firm order commitments)
a. Alongside the 36 months contract
4. QBRs (Quarterly Business Review)
a. Quarterly Business Review, at Zwaagdijk
b. Review current inventory, projected growth
c. Issues and resolution
d. Invoices review, current spend, projected spend versus budget allocations”
In Annex 2 staat:
Price Ouote
l. Preliminary analysis, including determining the “starting position” on the basis of current spend (minus 10%, GTT’s end of June 2019 “offer”) € 10,000
2. RFP € 15,000
3. QBR € 2,500
4. End of each 12 months period: 20% of saving (actual spend compared to the starting position" (after deducting € 25,000 paid in items I and 2 above)
*Please add travel reimburse.
RFP will require two (possibly three) trips. For the RFP process, both Richard Freeman and I will travel.
QBRs: approximately € 800 each trip."