1.Het geding in hoger beroep
“serious violation of the Employment Contract and the Management Schedule”. Per brief van 3 april 2015 zijn de ontslaggronden als volgt nader toegelicht:
“The reason for the decision of the Board of Management of SPGPrints Group to terminate your contract has been clearly explained to you. You have been in breach of instructions of the management and your personal management schedule. It has been established, and admitted by you, that (among others) you have ordered local companies to manufacture printing machines similar to those produced by the company. By doing so you have violated our commercial and product strategy. We simply cannot tolerate that from a Managing Director who is appointed to protect our financial and commercial interests abroad.”.
“The investigation reveals that unauthorized businesses - local production and sales of CID fits and washers - had taken place within SPG China. The production and sales of CID fits was in the period January 2011 to February 2015. The production and sales of washers took place in second part of 2014. (…) Based on the aforementioned, the reported allegations have, to some extent, substance. (…) The investigation reveals that SPG China lost RMB 563,000 (€ 84,450) as a result of fraud. The first trier and second trier approvals for a company bank account were stolen by a phishing website. (…) The incident was not reported to SPG Netherlands by management of SPG China. (…) Based on the aforementioned, the reported allegations with regards to the mistake and subsequently compensating the loss with proceeds from business outside the formal administration of SPG China has substance.”Daarnaast vermeldt PWC in haar rapport dat zij bij haar onderzoek is gestuit op twee rekeningen die ter beschikking van [appellant] stonden en die niet waren opgenomen in de administratie van het bedrijf. Eén van die rekeningen werd gevoed met de opbrengst van de verkoop van reserve-onderdelen, afval en schroot en de andere met de verkoopopbrengsten van de CID fits. Met de tegoeden van deze rekeningen werden volgens PWC onder meer geschenken voor agenten of werknemers van klanten van het bedrijf betaald. Het concept-verslag van het rapport is aan [appellant] voorgelegd en hij heeft daarop commentaar geleverd dat in de eindversie is verwerkt. Het definitieve verslag is niet door [appellant] ondertekend.