Ice Shipping is eigenaresse van de onder Noorse vlag varende productentanker genaamd Mari Ugland. Deze heeft een breedte van ruim 32 meter.
Carrier Tanker is eigenaresse van de onder Liberiaanse vlag varende tanker genaamd SCF Amur. Carrier Tanker is een dochter van OAO Sovkomflot, een Russische vennootschap waarvan de aandelen geheel in handen zijn van de Russische Federatie. De SCF Amur is nagenoeg even breed als de Mari Ugland.
Op 28 februari 2010 voeren de Mari Ugland (als tweede schip) en de SCF Amur (als derde schip) op de Witte Zee, een (binnen)zee die behoort tot de Russische territoriale wateren, vanuit Moermansk met bestemming Vitino (beide in Rusland) in konvooi. De Witte Zee was dichtgevroren met dik tot zeer dik ijs.
Het konvooi werd geleid door de onder Russische vlag varende nucleaire ijsbreker Vaygach. De Vaygach is 29,2 meter breed. Deze werd door de Russische overheid ter beschikking gesteld, de vaart over de Witte Zee was alleen mogelijk en toegestaan in ijskonvooi onder leiding van een dergelijke ijsbreker. De Vaygach beschikte over een zeer groot, explosief aan te wenden vermogen dat hem in staat stelde tot plotselinge grote versnelling. De Vaygach bewaakte de afstand tot de achter hem varende schepen.
Zowel de Mari Ugland als de SCF Amur stonden in voortdurend contact met de Vaygach en dienden zijn instructies te volgen.
Rond 18.00 uur heeft er een aanvaring plaatsgevonden tussen de SCF Amur en de Mari Ugland; de SCF Amur is achterop de Mari Ugland gebotst. Beide schepen hebben daarbij averij opgelopen.
De Murmansk Marine Port Master (hierna: de Havenmeester) heeft een, van het Russisch in het Engels vertaald, ‘
Report on investigating the average at sea’ uitgebracht met datum 16 april 2010, waarin onder meer is geconcludeerd: ‘
The cause of the average is Acts of God (force majeure circumstances) during the convoy navigation in hard ice conditions’. Voor dat rapport heeft de Havenmeester de beschikking gehad over gegevens van beide schepen alsmede hydrologische en meteorologische data. Bij dat onderzoek is ook de kapitein van de Mari Ugland betrokken.
Na verkregen verlof hiertoe van de voorzieningenrechter van de rechtbank Amsterdam heeft Ice Shipping op 12 mei 2010 de SFC Amur - die op dat moment in de Sonthaven te Amsterdam lag aangemeerd - in conservatoir vreemdelingenbeslag laten nemen. Diezelfde dag is de dagvaarding in de hoofdzaak verzonden. Het beslag is tegen zekerheidsstelling opgeheven.
Bij uitspraak van 16 maart 2011 heeft de ‘
Commercial Court of the Murmansk Region’te Moermansk (Russische Federatie), hierna de Commercial Court, de door Carrier Tanker tegen Ice Shipping ingestelde schadevordering afgewezen en als volgt geoordeeld, voor zover hier relevant, in de Engelse vertaling:
“(…) Both tankers had ice class (…) A due control of the speed and distance in the convoy was made. The effect of inevitable forces of nature (a force majeure event) in the moment of the convoy of the vessels moving in heavy ice conditions was identified(in het rapport van de Havenmeester, toevoeging hof)
as the reason of the collision. Implication of any party in the incident was not found. The report on the results of investigation of the incident at sea was never appealed in compliance with Paragraph 40 (…) According to paragraph 1 of article 311 MSC (hof: Merchant Shipping Code
) in case if the collision of vessels occurred accidently or due to force majeure (…), damages are borne by the party who suffered them.
Due to the fact that the collision was caused by force majeure, the fault of the defendant in the collision is absent; there are no grounds for satisfying the claim. (…)”
Bij uitspraak van 7 oktober 2011 heeft de ‘
Thirteenth Commercial Appellate Court’te Sint-Petersburg (Russische Federatie) het door Ice Shipping ingestelde hoger beroep tegen de hiervoor bedoelde uitspraak verworpen en als volgt geoordeeld, voor zover hier van belang, in de Engelse vertaling:
“(…). In support of his position the appellant refers to the fact that the state of ice cover in the White sea during winter period cannot qualify as an extraordinary and inevitable circumstance under the given conditions, which would exclude the fault of the claimant in the incident. The submitted harbor master's report of 16.04.2010 is not an evidence which proves facts material and significant for the case at hand because the report was obtained with violation of requirements set forth in the ‘Provisions on the procedure of investigation of incidents involving vessels’ dated 14.05.2009 No. 75. (…) None of the vessels involved in the collision shall be assumed guilty, unless proved otherwise (article 315 MSC ).(…)
The argument of the defendant that there was the fault of the claimant in the collision cannot be accepted because according to the report dated 16.04.2010 the collision incident was classified as an incident occurring without any fault of the crew members of either of the vessels. Besides, the appellate court overrules the argument of LR ICE SHIPPING EIGHT Ltd. regarding the violations occurred during the investigation of the incident. According to article 76 of the Merchant Shipping Code of the Russian federation (…) the authority competent to investigate incidents shall be the harbor master who shall conduct investigation in accordance with the “Provisions on the procedure of investigation of incidents involving vessels” enacted by the order of the ministry of Transport dated 14.0.2009 No. 75.
The reference of the defendant to the fact that the state of ice cover in the White sea in wintertime cannot qualify as an extraordinary and inevitable circumstance under the given conditions, is overruled because in the case at hand it was not the severe weather and heavy ice conditions that were held as the force major event according to the report dated 16.04.2010, but rather the fact that the caravan had to pass through a complicated part of the route(…).”
De ‘
Federal Commercial Court of the North-Western district’te Sint-Petersburg heeft bij uitspraak van 7 maart 2012 het cassatieberoep van Ice Shipping verworpen en als volgt geoordeeld, voor zover hier relevant, in de Engelse vertaling:
In support of the cassation appeal the appellant refers to the following:
the court of the first instance as well as the appellate court refrained from evaluation of evidences proving the cause of the tankers collision, instead the courts just formally referred only to the conclusions drawn in the marine incident investigation report, approved by the Murmansk harbor master on 16.04.2010 (…), which had been made with violations of the Provisions on the procedure of investigation of incidents involving vessels (…) and with violations of the Code of the international standards and recommended practices for a safety investigation into a marine casualty or marine incident (…)
in the case files there is no evidence of ‘extreme character and inevitability of the ice conditions’;(…)
In the present case investigation of the incident was carried out in accordance with Provisions on investigation. According to the Murmansk harbor master's Report (…) the collision had been caused by the impact of inevitable forces of nature (force majeure) at the moment when the caravan had been moving in heavy ice conditions, whilst the fault of the crew members of any of the tankers had not been established. (…) The reference of the defendant to the fact that the state of the ice cover in the White sea during the winter period cannot qualify as an extraordinary and inevitable circumstance in the given conditions is rejected because the force majeure event, according to the Murmansk harbour master's Report, in the given case was not the sole fact that there were bad weather conditions and heavy ice conditions, but rather the fact that the caravan had come across a complicated part of the route on its way (ice breccia, hummocking, compaction). (…)
The argument of the defendant regarding the violations made by the harbor master of Murmansk during the investigation of the incident cannot be accepted (…) The defendant did not exercise his right to appeal the Murmansk harbor master's Report, thus the court did not have grounds to deem that the report had been made with violation of law provisions.(…)”