2.1.1.De rechtbank heeft in haar uitspraak – waarin belanghebbende en de inspecteur zijn aangeduid als ‘eiser’ respectievelijk ‘verweerder’ – de navolgende feiten vastgesteld:
“1. Eiser is inwoner van Nederland. In januari 2015 heeft hij vanuit Nederland deelgenomen aan via internet aangeboden kansspelen op de website van Pokerstars.
2. Pokerstars wordt geëxploiteerd binnen de Rational Group. De Rational Group bestaat uit een groot aantal (dochter)vennootschappen op meerdere vestigingsplaatsen, onder meer op het eiland Man en Malta.
3. Tot de Rational Group behoren de vennootschappen Rational Gaming Europe Limited (hierna: RGEL) en Rational Networks Limited (hierna: RN). RGEL exploiteert de website www.pokerstars.eu en staat geregistreerd in het handelsregister van Malta. RN staat eveneens geregistreerd in het handelsregister van Malta.
4. Tot de gedingstukken (
het Hof vult aan: te weten, de van de inspecteur op 30 oktober 2015 bij de rechtbank ingekomen nadere stukken) behoort een uitdraai van 26 augustus 2015 (
het Hof verbetert: 28 oktober 2015) van de website www.pokerstars.eu, waaronder een zogenoemde “End user license agreement”, met daarin opgenomen de voorwaarden (terms and conditions) van Pokerstars. Daarin staat, voor zover hier van belang, het volgende vermeld:
“This end user license agreement (the “Agreement”) should be read by you (the “User” or “you”) in its entirety prior to your use of PokerStars’ service or products. Please note that the Agreement constitutes a legally binding agreement between you, Rational Gaming Europe Limited (“Rational Gaming”) and Rational Social Projects Limited (“Rational Social”) (Rational Gaming and Rational Social together being referred to herein as “PokerStars”, “us” or “we”).
Rational Gaming is a company registered in Malta [(]C54266), with registered address at Villa Seminia, 8, Sir Temi Zammit Avenue, Ta’ Xbiex XBX1O11 Malta [a]nd licensed by the Malta Gaming Authority CL3/795/2011) pursuant to which it operates the real money games, (“RM Games”) offered to you on the Internet site found at www.pokerstars.eu (the “Site”). The terms and conditions governing your play on RM Games follow below. Rational Social operates the “play money”/”play for free” games (“PM Games”) offered to you on the Site. Click here for the PM Games Terms and Conditions governing your playing on PM Games. The provision of StarBet sports betting services on websites www.starbet.it, www.starbet.lu, www.starbet.sk, www.starbet.fi, www.starbet.hr and www.starbet.com.hr (the “Websites”) are governed by the terms and conditions listed on the Websites under www.starbet.fi/tos, www.starbet.hr/tos, www.starbet.it/tos, and www.starbet.sk/tos and which are substantially similar to this Agreement.
By entering into this Agreement, you acknowledge that PokerStars is part of a group of companies. As such, where used and the context allows, the term “Group” means PokerStars together with its subsidiaries and any holding company of PokerStars and any subsidiary of such holding company and any associated company with PokerStars including, but not limited to, associated companies providing services under the trade mark “Full Tilt Poker”. In addition to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, please review our Privacy Policy, the Cookie Policy, the PM Games Terms and Conditions, the Poker Rules, the Games Rules, the FAQs, the Sports Betting Rules, the Real Money Processing and Currency Exchange terms and conditions and the VIP Club terms and conditions as well as the other rules, policies and terms end conditions relating to the games and promotions available on the Site as posted on the Site from time to time, which are incorporated herein by reference, together with such other policies of which you may be notified of by us from time to time.
By clicking the “I Agree” button below as part of the software installation process and using the Software (as defined below), you consent to the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement, the Privacy Policy, the Cookie Policy, the PM Games Terms and Conditions, the Poker Rules, the Games Rules, the FAQs, the Sports Betting Rules, end the Real Money Processing and Currency Exchange terms and conditions as each may be updated or modified from time to time in accordance with the provisions below and therein.
For the purposes of this Agreement, the definition of ‘Software’ will include the PokerStars software downloadable to your personal desktop or laptop computer (“PC”) from www.pokerstars.eu (the “PCSoftware”) and the PokerStars mobile software application (the “Mobile Software”) downloadable to a mobile device (including, without limitation, a cellular phone, PDA, tablet, or any other type of device now existing or hereafter devised) (each, a “Device”) as well as all ancillary software to the software (whether web-based software or client/server software). PokerStars may offer Games (as defined in Section 1.1 below) which are offered under its own brand as well as Games which are licensed to PokerStars by a third party owner (“Third Party Providers”).
5. Eiser heeft, volgens eigen opgave, in januari 2015 een bedrag van € 68.740 aan prijzengeld verdiend.
6. Op 10 februari 2015 heeft eiser een aangifte kansspelbelasting ingediend en op 11 februari 2015 heeft eiser de kansspelbelasting betaald. Vervolgens heeft eiser op 18 maart 2015 bezwaar gemaakt tegen de voldoening.”