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Omvang van het geding
7. een brief d.d. 30 juni 2006 aan Mr. [naam 7] ,
Vonnis waarvan beroep
Preliminaire verweer ten aanzien van het onder 1 ten laste gelegde
“However benefiting from Nazi occupaction directly or indirectly should and does impact the reputation of such firms”
"I strongly feel, that until Senator [benadeelde 1] and his brothers accept to see the correlation of their public and professional career and their status in society on the one hand and the actions of their father (warprofiteering and collaboration) on the other, excommunication, in the most literal way should be imposed on them, wherever possible."
"Therefore it is obvious and crystal-clear that no (single) official representative of the most powerful symbol of Dutch collaboration and nazi atrocities in the Netherlands should in no way be connected to, - in any shape or form - any law firm - or their individual associates - which has at least a 'stained' history, thus giving their stamp of approval to collaboration directly or indirectly (third parties and profiteers) with the worst crime in history."
I emphasize the word ex, because mr [benadeelde 1] decided only a few months ago to resign as a senator, after he was convicted of smuggling a painting by Rembrandt (as appointed Senator) from the USA through Switzerland into the Netherlands"
"The firm has a tendency and tradition to work with anti democratic individuals and states, by preference enemies of the United States”
"Interestingly enough the current ex-senator Mr. [benadeelde 1] had to resign after smuggling a 'Rembrandt' from the US trough Switzerland into the Netherlands"
"It is therefore not to be understood why [bedrijf 1] is placed on the consulate's website [website] under the link 'HELPFUL INFORMATION' is mentioned as a convenience to United States Citizens in the Netherlands as a possible candidate for legal services, although the consulate explicitly states that being on the list is not an endorsement by the consulate however I am sure that the Bin Laden office would not be able tomake the list, neither would Fidel Castro, who is actually al lawyer. An dit is definitely not a service for patriotic American business or individuals finding out that they are hiring a willing and loyal aid and supporter tot an ultra super terrorist”
"De familie [benadeelde 2] heeft door middel van intimidatie en onder dreiging van een schade van Eur 100.000,-- de redactie van ' [bedrijf 2] ' gedwongen zichzelf te muilkorven en de historische feiten van de website te verwijderen, ik heb hierover ruime correspondentie met de redactie gevoerd"
"Ik neem aan dat de objectiviteit van uw organisatie niet beïnvloed wordt door het feit dat mw [naam 9] secretaris van het bestuur, gerouwd (het hof begrijpt: getrouwd) is met een van de advocaten [benadeelde 1] die de zoon is over wie de kwestie van de Nazi collaboratie betrekking heeft"
Strafbaarheid van het bewezen verklaarde
Strafbaarheid van de verdachte
Oplegging van straf
Toepasselijke wettelijke voorschriften
gevangenisstrafvoor de duur van
2 (twee) maanden.
2 (twee) jarenaan een strafbaar feit heeft schuldig gemaakt.