mr. J.J.M. van Mierlo, kantoorhoudende te Utrecht,
mr. P.A. Nabben, kantoorhoudende te Amsterdam.
1.Het verloop van het geding
2.De feiten
Dit Sociaal Plan is van toepassing op (…) werknemers met een arbeidsovereenkomst voor onbepaalde tijd met Canon[in artikel 1 gedefinieerd als Canon Nederland N.V. en/of Canon Europa N.V., zowel gezamenlijk als ieder afzonderlijk, opm. Ondernemingskamer]
en die als gevolg van een reorganisatie waarvoor een adviesaanvraag vóór 1 januari 2015 bij de OR is ingediend hun arbeidsplaats verliezen, dan wel een andere functie of andere standplaats krijgen toegewezen.”
to become a primary driver of differentation and profitability’. Om deze doelstelling te bereiken zou de organisatie moeten transformeren van ‘
a passive service provider’ in ‘
a reliable and cost effective business partner’.
an integrated, aligned, efficient and cost effective organisation’.
IT function organisation 2014-2016/2017:
Organisation structure and restructure of resources
Substantially changed and/or new capabilities
Consolidation of capabilities
Workforce reduction due to functional overlaps, synergies, redundancies
New roles: definition of selection & appointment process for new and/or
Change and implementation plan’
Design principles and decisions for the envisioned target organisation of the IT function > 2016/2017.’
Mid Term Plan – MTP – 2014-2016’) vermeldt Canon Europa een aantal complicerende factoren bij de gewenste transformatie: de nog lopende integratie van activiteiten van Océ die begin 2012 door Canon zijn overgenomen, de vervanging van verouderde (‘legacy’) systemen (het ‘Unity’-programma) en de geografische spreiding van de IT-organisatie over Londen, Amstelveen en Venlo. Eveneens op p. 5 staat (onderstreept): ‘
This Request for Advice is specifically requested for the Canon EMEA Amstelveen location. In order to provide the Works Council with a full understanding of the decisions taken by management the full picture is necessary.’
Fit for Future Project’ staat (p. 8):
As the Unity rollout will be spread over several years, the IT-transformation journey needs to be staggered, the changes cannot be implemented simultaneously. Therefore, the intention is to at first create an Intermediate Organisation, that is a stepping stone towards the final, post Unity organisation design, being the Target State Organisation. The first phase has the objective to create a more efficient, reliable and stable organisation, while the final phase is to optimise the organisation to its full extent.
The Change – What will be different…’) noemt Canon Europa de door BCG geschetste organisatorische veranderingen die nodig zijn om de Intermediate en Target State Organisation te ondersteunen:
Full integration of the CENV and RSHQ Venlo Canon in the Infrastructure and Operations department;
Streamlining service departments to increase the reliability of the services;
Improve cost efficiency through increased automation, span of control and synergies;
Position IT as a Business Partnes through alignment with BPO and introducing the Business Relationship Management;
Increase innovation capabilities through introduction of a Digital Competence Centre.
‘Intermediate and Target State Organisation’ staat:
BCG has recommended that Canon adopts the following two organisation designs for the Intermediate and the Target state.(…)
According Chapter IV Article 25 1 e Canon Europa Management requests advice from the Works Council on the intended organisational design for both the Intermediate and the conceptual Target State organisation of IT.
Works Council advice and recommendations on proposed changes
Management can consider that Works Council have understood the principles and accepted the information provided.
personnel falling in scope of redundancy connected with implementing “Phase II – Target Organisation” of the ‘Fit for Future’ reorganisation, must be remunerated under the conditions of the Social Plan in force at the time of this[Request for Advice]
. In this respect Works Council expects any reorganisation within[European Information & Communication Technology]
that impacts employees in terms of changed roles or redundancies, to be in scope of this initial RFA. (…)’
Phase II of the reorganisation highlights the so called post Unity Organisation. The headcount needs/requirements will be defined at that moment of time, taking into account the evolution of Canon EMEA in the coming years, specifically the changed technological environment of our business. The impact of these business related changes is unknown at this very moment, we are not in a position to identify headcount three years beforehand.
will be submitted to the works council for evaluation.
management decisionluidt: ‘
It is the decision of the management to execute the intended changes as described in the Request for Advice and the reply to the works council advice and recommendations’.
3.De gronden van de beslissing
conceptualTarget State Organisation), heeft Canon Europa ter zitting buiten twijfel gesteld dat de adviesaanvraag tevens ziet op de invoering van de Target Organisation, met dien verstande dat zij heeft benadrukt dat met betrekking tot de Target Organisation in dit stadium alleen nog de contouren kunnen worden geschetst en dat zij de personele gevolgen nog niet precies kan overzien. Met betrekking tot de Target Organisation zijn er twee momenten waarop advies wordt gevraagd: nu en op een later moment (zowel over de organisatie zelf als de personele gevolgen), aldus Canon Europa ter zitting.