mrs. J.D. Kleynen
M.T. de Boorder, kantoorhoudende te Amsterdam,
mrs. M.E.U. Janssensen
S.N.J. Putter, kantoorhoudende te Amsterdam.
1.Het verloop van het geding
2.De feiten
Voor zover de wet geen andere meerderheid voorschrijft, worden alle besluiten genomen met algemene stemmen van alle stemgerechtigde aandeelhouders”.
The Malta Consortium have made the following offer to the shareholders (…)”.
we hereby demand that you (…) make immediate payment to us (…) of € 20,589,505.36 no later than (…) 7 December 2012. (…) Failure to comply (…) entitles [Teramy] to take all steps available to it (…) enforcing the [garantie] (…)”.
I would like to make the following offer to the shareholders of [Phoenicia] (…).(…) the [consortium] are prepared to invest 8ml in new preference shares, with an annual compound coupon of 10%. If all the shareholders wish to retain their investment the [consortium] investment will represent 80% of the enlarged equity. For those shareholders wishing to cash in their investment we are prepared to offer 50c to the 1 euro invested. (…) Our offer is subject to the [consortium] completing with Hazeldene (…). The [consortium] will fund the Bank of Valetta term loan to [Hotel Company] of circa 1ml, thereby releasing your personal guarantees. Your guarantees to [Cuffe Malta] will be released on the repayment of the loan to Hazeldene by [Cuffe Malta]. The funding for this will by way of a 15ml facility from Bank of Valetta and the balance from the [consortium]. The Bank of Valetta have given our consortium full assurance of the availability of the facility, however we are not willing to incur the substantial cost of formalising the agreement until we have agreement on terms with yourselves. (…) We require an irrevocable undertaking from all the shareholders whereby they promise to sell to the [consortium]. This will be witnessed by a Maltese Notary and we will put up a 10% deposit (…) accompanied by proof of funds that would satisfy the purchase price (…) as well as funds necessary (…) to clear the (…) debt to a maximum of [€] 20,700,000 (…). We need (…) 4 months to complete said transactions after the undertaking has been signed. (…)”.
will initiate formal recovery proceedings under all its security rightsbetreffende de lening op 29 april 2013, tenzij overeenstemming wordt bereikt over een alternatief arrangement. De brief luidt verder:
We would intend to forward you a proposal which Teramy would be willing to accept for such an alternative arrangement (…). We (…) suggest that you circulate that proposal and any other proposals amongst the [garantstellers] and convene an Extraordinary General Meeting of [Phoenicia] prior to 29 April 2013 in order that all such proposals can be considered and thereafter intimation given on the acceptability or otherwise of our proposal. (…)”.
non binding proposal for consideration by [Cuffe Malta]aan Byrne gezonden. In deze brief, die per abuis op 29 maart 2013 is gedateerd, is vermeld dat het
does not constitute an offer, maar is
submitted as a proposal byde zaakwaarnemer. De brief luidt, voor zover van belang, voorts:
We understand that you intend to convene an Extraordinary General Meeting of the shareholders in [Phoenicia] on 9 May 2013 to consider this and any other proposals received. (…) if a suitable agreement is not reached (…), Teramy shall commence, without further recourse or discussion, proceedings (…) in Malta and/or in the Dublin Courts for judgements/sequestration on the back of the hypothecary security and joint & several guarantee_(…)”.
term sheettoegestuurd,
which constitutes a conditional offer for the purchase, for the total sum of two million Euro (…), of all the outstanding share capital in [Phoenicia] and any other entity (…) engaged in the business of [Phoenicia]. Cassar schrijft verder dat het consortium is ´
prepared to immediately place into an escrow account (…) this purchase price´en
´anticipate (…) to close this transaction no later than the first of September 2013´.
term sheetinhoudend
the terms and conditions of a proposed acquisition of all the outstanding shareholding ofPhoenicia, dat op 7 mei 2013 door Fox voornoemd is doorgestuurd aan Byrne. De
term sheethoudt onder meer in:
The [consortium] will purchase 100% of the capital stock of [Phoenicia] and any other entity (…) engaged in the business of [Phoenicia]. (…) Subject to [het consortium]’s obtaining (…) financing (…) the purchase price (…) will equal (…). The Acceptance Date shall be (…) the 15th day of may 2013. (…) On the Acceptance date the Purchase Price will be placed in an escrow account (…). The obligations of [het consortium] to complete the Transaction contemplated herein will be subject (…) to the satisfaction of the following conditions: a. (…) b. receipt of Acquisition Financing (…) f. (…)”.
[Kelly] called me (…) on Monday 17th June. (…) I informed [Kelly] that there had been a lot of legal activity on the Agreement which had followed from the majority vote in favour of Teramy´s proposal at the EGM. [Kelly] questioned as to whether he should be copied in on the various correspondences relating to the Agreement. I replied that I didn´t think so on the basis that he had expressed his objections to the Teramy proposal at the EGM. (…) The Meeting (op 18 juni 2013, Ondernemingskamer) (…) I re-appraised [Kelly] of the current position in relation to the Teramy proposal that had been agreed at the EGM by a majority of Shareholders, excluding [Kelly en Cuffe]. (…) I informed [Kelly] (…) that finalization of the Agreement with Teramy was imminent. I did not indicate to [Kelly] my expectation as to when the Agreement would be concluded. I suggested to [Kelly] (…) that perhaps he would consider aligning his position with the other Shareholders (…) He said that (…) so long as the debt was repaid, Teramy would have no further interest in the property (…). [Kelly] expressed a hope that as the Director of [Phoenicia] I would not transfer the [dochtervennootschappen] until he used the opportunity to repay the debt to Teramy (…). I explained to [Kelly] that the opportunity to raise the €20.7 m had long passed and that he & [het consortium] had had their chance and come up short. (…) I explained (…) it was in the best interest of the company to proceed. I (…) again encourage[d] [Kelly] to align himself with the other Shareholders (…). [Kelly] continued to insist that he is opposed to the Agreement with Teramy. (…) We shook hands and I left. (…).”.
(…) should [Byrne] (…) attempt to transfer [de dochtervennootschappen] (…) the Articles of [Phoenicia] specifically require a unanimous decision of a duly constituted general meeting to do so. (…)”.
are completely in the dark about the actions of the management board.
are ready to proceed immediately. Een bijeenkomst ter uitvoering van een en ander werd voorgesteld op of voor 15 juli 2013.
3.De gronden van de beslissing
corporate governanceen verantwoord ondernemerschap, (iii) de statuten van Phoenicia, (iv) de maatstaven van redelijkheid en billijkheid waarnaar de bij een vennootschap betrokken personen zich jegens elkaar hebben te gedragen, en (v) het tegenstrijdig belang van Byrne bij die transactie. Ter terechtzitting heeft Kelly hieraan toegevoegd dat de vervreemding aan Teramy niet in het belang van Phoenicia en de met haar verbonden onderneming is en dat de continuïteit van de onderneming op het spel is gezet. Verder heeft Kelly gesteld dat niet alle alternatieven voor de herfinanciering van Phoenicia en haar dochtervennootschappen serieus in overweging zijn genomen. Voorts is de transactie opzettelijk buiten Kelly’s gezichtsveld gehouden. Bovendien heeft Phoenicia wettelijke en statutaire voorschriften betreffende het goedkeuren en deponeren van jaarrekeningen genegeerd, aldus nog steeds Kelly.
Voor zover de wet geen andere meerderheid voorschrijft, worden alle besluiten genomen met algemene stemmen van alle stemgerechtigde aandeelhouders”. Ingevolge deze bepaling is voor het in de vorige rechtsoverweging bedoelde besluit unanimiteit van de stemmen vereist.
imminent), maar een uitdrukkelijke waarschuwing dat het unanimiteitsvereiste zal worden doorbroken is in het verslag niet te vinden. Naar het oordeel van de Ondernemingskamer valt uit het verslag evenmin af te leiden dat Kelly begreep dat het betreffende statutaire voorschrift zou worden genegeerd. Daar komt bij dat de correspondentie van de zijde van Kelly van 3, 5 en 12 juli 2013 er geen blijk van geeft dat Kelly wist dat de dochtervennootschappen inmiddels op 1 juli 2013 waren vervreemd.
to immediately place into an escrow account (…) this purchase price, acht de Ondernemingskamer de tegenwerping van Phoenicia dat het voorstel van het consortium bewijs van financiering ontbeerde, ontoereikend om aan te nemen dat het voorstel niet concreter gemaakt zou hebben kunnen worden. Daarbij neemt de Ondernemingskamer nog in aanmerking, dat niet valt uit te maken wat in dit verband het effect zou zijn geweest van tijdige mededeling van de beslissing het unanimiteitsvereiste te doorbreken.