[naam 1] , appellant
Stichting Autoriteit Financiële Markten(AFM) ingediend tegen appellant
Procesverloop in hoger beroep
De AFM heeft een schriftelijke reactie op het hogerberoepschrift gegeven.
Grondslag van het geschil
Uitspraak van de accountantskamer
Beoordeling van het geschil in hoger beroep
- Furthermore, during our visit in the [land 3] in March we discussed the work performed on the trade receivables. We asked you to perform additional work on the trade receivables, since valuation of the trade debtors is a significant risk. We asked you to obtain the post year received amount, regarding the outstanding amount of trade debtors at 31-12-2014. Did you perform this additional work? And if so where can we find this in your APT? If not, is it possible that you add this information?”
Regarding the prepayments, do we understand the situation correctly if we state that the prepayments relate to purchases in 2014 which will be delivered in 2015 regarding butter and dry milk? If that is the case, could you explain the rationale behind this, just for us to understand what is going on, why did you purchase butter in 2015 rather than produce it yourself?”
Regarding your question for purchases of butter and DMP [dry milk products; toevoeging College] – we have plants (and contracts) for selling of estimated quantity of butter and DMP (to our clients, including private label. At the same time it is more profitable for us to produce and sale cheese in [land 3] rather than butter and DMP. Due to this we use for production of butter and DMP only extra-purchased milk. As a result we signed contracts for purchase of butter and DMP to secure ourselves in case lack of raw milk for own production.”
At the end of this year the new legislation will be introduced, under which all companies with more than 10% of non-residents in their share capital, will be required to submit information about their groups and final beneficiaries.
Therefore, we as auditors, in case of consolidation only rely on the information provided by the client about the composition of the group, as well we perform our analysis of documents and accounting entries on any additional companies to be included into the consolidation.
We have not detected any other companies, which were not included into consolidation of [naam 3] . All the declared companies by [naam 3] are included into consolidation (scheme from the entity is available in our working papers).”
Tevens hebben wij hier specifiek navraag naar gedaan bij [naam 4] . Hierop verkregen wij een bevredigend antwoord, op basis waarvan wij voldoende comfort hebben bij de volledigheid van de [land 3] vennootschappen in de consolidatie. In [land 3] is er derhalve (nog) geen sprake van een openbaar register waarin de volledigheid van de consolidatie kan worden vastgesteld. [naam 4] heeft dit echter vastgesteld op basis van de transacties (geen sprake van investeringen, terwijl een investering kapitaalintensief zou zijn gezien de aard van de business) en inlichtingen van het management. Daarnaast is er sprake van een officiële registratie die is geraadpleegd. Alle geregistreerde vennootschappen en alle [land 3] vennootschappen waarmee materiële transacties zijn aangegaan, zijn opgenomen in de consolidatie van [naam 9] . Aangezien wij, vanuit onze eigen werkzaamheden, zelf tevens geen enkele indicatie hebben van een vennootschap die ten onrechte niet in de consolidatie is opgenomen, kunnen wij op basis van deze informatie concluderen dat de consolidatiekring met betrekking tot de [land 3] entiteiten volledig is.”
The second file is for [naam 3] EU, where you can see that the shareholder is [naam 3] NV.
Vaststellen dat:
Since [ [naam 3] / [naam 13] ] operates in the food industry, it is important to comply with some laws and regulations regarding the production and sell of food. In the Netherlands you have the Food and consumer product safety authority. The task of the Netherlands Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority is to protect human and animal health. It monitors food and consumer products to safeguard public health and animal health and welfare. The Authority controls the whole production chain, from raw materials and processing aids to end products and consumption.
We understand that as a result of those inspections related infringements and fines were not significant ( [… 5] and [… 6] ). Therefore OMK mainly complies with food and safety legislation and fixed infringements and recommendations.”
A) Law of [land 3] On Quality and Safety of Food Products;
B) Law of [land 3] On Metrology;
C) Law of [land 3] On Veterinary Service;
D) Law of [land 3] On Standardization and Certification.
In [land 3] , the state authorities that oversee the quality and safety of dairy products are: the state enterprise [… 7] , the state enterprise State Veterinary and Phytosanitary Service of [land 3] .
The state enterprise [… 7] performs the assessment and certification of quality management systems according to [… 8] , environmental management systems according to [… 9] , management systems of food safety according to [… 10] and [… 11] .
During 2003 - 2010 six companies of the Group have passed the certification of quality management system ( [… 8] ), food safety ( [… 10] ) as well the international standard [… 11] , an analogue of which in [land 3] is [… 11] . (…).
The state enterprise [… 7] has a department of technical supervision. According to the approved schedule of inspection (at least 1 time per year), the employees come to the enterprise and check the requirements for certification. The result of their work is the issuance of the certificate and the extension of its validity.
The auditors were provided the originals of the valid certificates for purpose of their verification. All certificates are prepared according to the requirements of [land 3] legislation (the copies of certificates are attached here). No discrepancies were detected. Also, during the final inventory, the auditors reviewed all of the documentation on certification and executed a visual inspection of the certified production lines.
As the Group of companies [naam 12] produces the goods of animal origin, these products are verified by the State Veterinary and Phytosanitary Service of [land 3] in accordance with [land 3] legislation.
Tevens is in elke fabriek een onafhankelijk expert aanwezig die de kwaliteit van de producten controleert. Deze experts werken in naam van de State Veterinary en Phytosanitary service. [naam 9] produceert producten met een dierlijke oorsprong, derhalve is het verplicht dat deze producten gecontroleerd worden door de State Veterinary en Phytosanitary Service. Hierbij wordt gecontroleerd of de producten in overeenstemming zijn met wet- en regelgeving. De onafhankelijk expert controleert van iedere geproduceerde batch de kwaliteit en rapporteert zijn bevindingen aan de State Veterinary. Hij geeft hierbij een kwaliteitsattest af. [naam 4] heeft enkele kopieën van de attesten doorgenomen. Hierbij zijn geen bevindingen vastgesteld. Gezien de controles die plaatsvinden om de kwaliteit van de producten te waarborgen, is het risico dat een materiële claim voortkomt uit het niet voldoen aan wet en regelgeving op het gebied van voedsel klein.
Could you please change this sentence in the following and provide us with an adjusted auditor's report as soon as possible: management is responsible for the preparation and presentation of this special purpose financial information in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards as adopted by the European Union and instructions issued by [naam 3] N.V.'s management and the policies contained in [naam 3] N.V.'s disclosed accounting policies.
Furthermore, reference is made to the accounting manual in the Opinion paragraph. Please adjust this to "International Financial Reporting Standards as adopted by the European Union and instructions issued by [naam 3] N.V.'s management and the policies contained in [naam 3] N.V.'s disclosed accounting policies" as well.
As there is no accounting manual available for [naam 3] NV, we kindly request you to refer to IFRS in general. Hopefully you can provide us with the adjusted report today. This would be very helpful for us.”
In order to withdraw and re-issue the auditor's report (appendix G) at this stage, as well as to justify an amendment in our working papers, we need the following: