vonnis van de kantonrechter d.d. 13 november 2013
het verloop van de procedure
de beoordeling van de zaak
will keep on participating in the Thermphos International B.V. pensionscheme, with Zwitserleven.(…)"
(B) Mr. [eiser] and Sudamfos(…)
shall enter into an employment agreement for an indefinite period (the "Employment Agreement");
at the occasion of his emigration to Argentina and the commencement of the Employment Agreement;
pay Mr. [eiser] a monthly service fee(…)
of EUR 2.934(…)
In case the contract of employment with Sudamfos S.A. should be terminated on the grounds of business management conciderations(de kantonrechter leest:
considerations) (…)
the employment contract with Thermphos International B.V. will be restored and Thermphos will look for a as suitable as possible position within Thermphos, taking into consideration the availability of such possible positions.(…)
b. On 14 March 2013 TI sold the shares in Thermphos Argentina S.A. to Mr. [derde belanghebbende](…)
, if any at all, on the other hand(…)
(the "Argentine Settlement").
, and anything directly or indirectly arising therefrom. This final discharge also explicitly applies to any member of the Thermphos Group (…)".