1..Het verloop van de procedure
- het exploot van dagvaarding met producties van 16 januari 2019;
- de conclusie van antwoord;
- de conclusie van repliek;
- de conclusie van dupliek.
2..De vaststaande feiten
bookkeeping and VAT returns compilation and filing
Payroll accounting including wage tax returns compilation and filing
Compilation and filing of the annual financial report (including preparation of minutes of Annual General meeting of Shareholders)
Corporate income tax return compilation and filing
Business and tax consulting
Financial year 2016
Financial year 2015
- Tax consulting services (…)
- Business consulting services(…)
- Estimated final settlement financial year 2015 EUR 7,000 (excl. VAT)
- Estimated fee for procedures to be performed/documents to be provided regarding suspense of payment process EUR 3,000 (excl. VAT)
- Estimated final settlement financial year 2015 EUR 7,000 (excl. VAT) -> this was already discussed with [naam persoon 2] earlier and relates to work that already has been performed. This amount was also discussed during the meeting with the administrator.
- Estimated fee for procedures to be performed/documents to be provided regarding suspense of payment process EUR 3,000 (excl. VAT) -> what we can do is start with a partial prepayment (for instance EUR 1,000 excl VAT)and if we have reach that amount we inform you accordingly so the next installment can be paid. Please note that a higher rate is applicable due to the period and people involved. January/February is our industry’s busiest period. We are currently prioritizing you over other clients. (…)”
3..Het geschil
4..De beoordeling
6..De beslissing
dinsdag 28 april 2020om
14.30 uur, teneinde partijen in de gelegenheid te stellen zich bij akte uit te laten of zij dit bewijs wenst te leveren en,
- indien zij dit bewijs schriftelijk wenst te leveren, dit dadelijk bij deze akte te doen, en
- indien zij dit bewijs wenst te leveren door het doen horen van getuigen, de namen van de voor te brengen getuigen met de verhinderdata van alle betrokkenen in de maanden februari tot en met april 2020, zodat onmiddellijk ter rolzitting een datum voor het getuigenverhoor kan worden bepaald;