3.8.3.In juni-juli 2010 is tussen Heerema en OWB DN een raamcontract met betrekking tot de koop en verkoop van scheepsbrandstoffen gesloten. Van die raamovereenkomst maken “Terms and Conditions” deel uit, die de volgende bepalingen bevatten:
H.1 Title in and to the Bunkers delivered and/or property rights in and to such Bunkers shall remain vested in the Seller until full payment has been received by the Seller of all amounts due in connection with the respective delivery.
H.2 Until full payment of any amount due to the Seller has been made, the Buyer shall not be entitled to use the Bunkers other than for the propulsion of the Vessel, nor mix, blend, sell, encumber, pledge, alienate, or surrender the Bunkers to any third party or other Vessel.
I.5 Any delay in payment shall entitle the Seller to interest at, presently, the rate of 2 (two) percent per month or any part thereof without prejudice to any rights or remedies available to the Seller [..]
P.1 This agreement shall be governed and construed in accordance with English law.”
Onder verband van deze raamovereenkomst heeft [gedaagde] in september 2014 van OWB DN de [naam schip 2] -partij gekocht voor de prijs van US$ 838,00 per mt ter aflevering aan boord van de ‘ [naam schip 2] ’ te Rotterdam begin oktober 2014.
Voorts heeft [gedaagde] in het kader van deze raamovereenkomst begin oktober 2014 van OWB DN de [naam schip 1] -partij gekocht voor de prijs van US$ 779,00 per mt ter aflevering aan boord van de ‘ [naam schip 1] ’ te Rotterdam op 6 oktober 2014.
3.8.5.OWB NL heeft de [naam schip 2] -partij op of omstreeks 12 september 2014 en de [naam schip 1] -partij op of omstreeks 2 oktober 2014 ingekocht bij Argos. Ter zake van die koopovereenkomsten hebben zowel Argos als OWB NL bevestigingen gestuurd.
In de bevestigingen van Argos aan OWB NL staat onder meer:
- a) dat koper is OWB NL;
- b) dat verkoper is Argos;
- c) dat de partijen scheepsbrandstoffen moeten worden afgeleverd aan boord van de ‘ [naam schip 1] ’, respectievelijk de ‘ [naam schip 2] ’;
- d) dat de NOVE-voorwaarden van toepassing zijn.
Als “Payment Terms” staat daarin: “Payment of invoice is due immediately, and will have to be credited telegraphically to our account within 30 Days nett [..]”.
In de bevestigingen van OWB NL aan Argos staat onder meer dat de koop voor rekening (“account”) van OWB NL komt en dat de partijen scheepsbrandstoffen moeten worden afgeleverd aan boord van de ‘ [naam schip 1] ’, respectievelijk de ‘ [naam schip 2] ’.
Als betalingsconditie staat daarin: “Payment within 30 days from date of delivery against hard copy invoice”.
3.8.6.Argos heeft de [naam schip 2] -partij vanuit het mts ‘ [naam schip 3] ’, eigendom van Beaufort -Trans A.G., op of omstreeks 8 oktober 2014 te Rotterdam afgeleverd aan boord van de ‘ [naam schip 2] ’.
Ter zake van die aflevering zijn een op 8 oktober 2015 gedateerde Bunkerrequisition en een op 8 oktober 2014 gedateerde Bunker delivery note opgemaakt, beide op het papier van Argos. Vanwege de ‘ [naam schip 2] ’ zijn de beide documenten ondertekend door een werktuigkundige (hierna: de wtk).
Argos heeft de [naam schip 1] -partij vanuit het mts ‘ [naam schip 4] ’, eigendom van Decoil International Oil and Trading B.V., op of omstreeks 6 oktober 2014 te Rotterdam afgeleverd aan boord van de ‘ [naam schip 1] ’.
Ter zake van die aflevering zijn een op 6 oktober 2014 gedateerde Bunkerrequisition en een Bunker delivery note opgemaakt, beide op het papier van Argos. Vanwege de ‘ [naam schip 1] ’ zijn de beide documenten ondertekend en afgestempeld door een wtk.
De Bunkerrequisition luidt als volgt:
Received for use as bunkers on board: BDR Nr. [nummer]
MV : [‘ [naam schip 2] ’, respectievelijk ‘ [naam schip 1] ’; rechtbank]
IMO Number : [..]
Port of Supply : ROTTERDAM
Date : OCTOBER [8, respectievelijk 6; rechtbank], 2014
Bunkerbarge : [‘ [naam schip 3] ’, respectievelijk ‘ [naam schip 4] ’; rechtbank]
I, the undersigned master, chief engineer or vessel’s representative, hereby request in the name of the owners of the above mentioned vessel, to deliver to this vessel the following quantities of Marine Fuels for use as bunkers:
[volgt beschrijving van de partijen scheepsbrandstoffen; rechtbank]
The oil supplied is in conformity with regulations 14(1) and 18(1) of Annex VI to Marpol 73/78.
I place this order to enable the vessel to proceed on her voyage. This order is given irrespective of the fact that charterers, if any, have likewise ordered these bunkers. In addition, I understand and agree that my owners shall be likewise liable for any lighterage and other expenses incurred as a result of me rejecting the whole or any part of the delivery duly ordered by this requisition. I herewith agree that this contract is subject to your general terms of sale and delivery.
I, the undersigned master, chief engineer or vessel’s representative, confirm by signing this Bunkerrequisition form that the sampling procedure will be accepted and that I am hereby invited to witness the gauging of the tankbarge(s) or the reading of the meterwork before and after delivery. The barge soundings meter readings are binding.
In my presence, 4 numbered samples which must be sealed, marked with a label of [Argos], representing the quality of the oil we bunkered, were drawn. I signed the samples, 2 will be kept in stock with the supplier for a period of 3 months from the day of delivery, and 2 samples will be kept on board of the seagoing vessel.
No disclaimer stamp of any kind or form will be accepted on the Bunker Delivery Receipt, nor, should any such stamp be applied, will it alter, change or waive the seller’s maritime lien against the vessel, or waive the vessel’s ultimate responsibility for the debt incurred through this transaction.
The ship’s management is urgently requested to appoint staff members for the supervision of the hose and the connection. The ship’s engineers in charge of the bunkering operation must not close valves on board without first giving ample warning to the attendant of the bunkerbarge.
Furthermore, prior to bunkering operations every precaution should be taken to eliminate contamination of the watersurface by oil spillage, such as placing of drip pans, closing of the scuppers etc.
Any oil spillage on board will be the sole responsibility of the vessel taking bunkers.
If this warning is ignored the crew of the bunkerbarge will report immediately the slightest indication of contamination to the pertinent authorities.
[volgen handtekeningen en stempels; rechtbank] __________________________________________________________________________
All our offers, agreements of sale resp. purchase, subsequent agreements and other agreements are exclusively governed by the General Conditions of the Dutch Association of Independent Bunker Suppliers deposited at the District Court of Rotterdam
3.8.7.Argos heeft ter zake van de verkoop en aflevering van de [naam schip 1] -partij bij factuur gedateerd 6 oktober 2014 een bedrag van US$ 467.911,02 in rekening gebracht aan:
“Master and/or Owners and/or Charterers of
MV [naam schip 1] and/or
en die factuur geadresseerd aan OWB NL.
De factuur vermeldt als “value date” van de koopprijs: 5 november 2014.
Argos heeft ter zake van de verkoop en aflevering van de [naam schip 2] -partij bij factuur gedateerd 8 oktober 2014 een bedrag van US$ 3.630.025,87 in rekening gebracht aan:
“Master and/or Owners and/or Charterers of
MV [naam schip 2] and/or
en die factuur geadresseerd aan OWB NL.
De factuur vermeldt als “value date” van de koopprijs: 7 november 2014.
3.8.11.Bij e-mail van 14 november 2014 heeft Argos onder meer het volgende aan [gedaagde] medegedeeld:
“Dear Sirs,
Referring to our previous written message (send via Cockett Marine) to you dated 12-11-14, kindly note the following.
We reiterate that the bunkers that you purchased from [OWB NL] and which were delivered to the “ [naam schip 2] ” were sold by us to [OWB NL] under retention of title (“eigendomsvoorbehoud”) as set out in our applicable sales conditions, and we trust that the same or similar sales conditions of [OWB NL] with a similar retention of title clause apply to the sale an delivery by [OWB NL] to you. This means that title in the bunkers still rests with [Argos], and therefore we kindly request you, and insofar as necessary summon you, to fully respect our ownership.
Insofar as necessary, we herewith also invoke the right of reclamation (“recht van reclame”) as set out in Article 7:39 and further of the Dutch Civil Code.
On the basis of the above, we kindly request your immediate confirmation that any outstanding amounts in respect of these bunkers that we delivered to the above mentioned vessel shall be remitted to us directly by you, alternatively that the bunkers will be redelivered to us.
We reserve all our rights.”
3.8.12.[gedaagde] heeft bij e-mail van 18 november 2014 op de e-mail van 14 november 2014 geantwoord met onder meer het volgende:
“You claim that [Argos] has delivered bunkers to [OWB NL]. [ [gedaagde] ] would have received these bunkers from [OWB NL]. Accordingly, you claim redelivery or payment of the outstanding amounts due to [OWB NL]. Please note that we reserve all our rights and remedies in this matter. We dispute your claim for the following (but non-exhaustive) reasons.
[ [gedaagde] ] did not purchase bunkers from [OWB NL]. You have not substantiated or quantified your claim with any underlying documents for our review.
[ [gedaagde] ] did not know neither ought to have known about any retention of title allegedly agreed between Argos and [OWB NL]. [ [gedaagde] ] is not considered Argos’s purchaser, for which reason Argos is not entitled to claim under art. 7:39 DCC. Even if it would be entitled to claim, [ [gedaagde] ]’s good faith is protected by e.g. art. 7:42 and 3:86 DCC. [ [gedaagde] ] is also protected by Art. 7:40 DCC; the bunkers are either burned or mixed with existing bunkers. And, if the requirements of 7:39 DCC would be met, the question remains whether Argos has also retained title under the law of the flag state (Panamanian).
I also emphasize that any conservatory measures against assets or funds of [ [gedaagde] ] or its affiliates are wrongful and will have an unreasonable and disproportionate impact on [ [gedaagde] ]’s activities [..] However, subject to your documentary evidence to reasonably substantiate your alleged claim.”.
3.8.15.Tussen enerzijds [eiseres] en anderzijds [gedaagde] , HMS 2 en HMS 22 is in maart 2015 schuldoverneming overeengekomen en vastgelegd in een akte, die voor zover voor deze beoordeling van belang luidt als volgt:
[partijen [gedaagde] , HMS 2, HMS 22 en [eiseres] ; rechtbank]
A. HMS 2 is the owner of the MV [naam schip 2] and HMS 22 is the owner of the MV [naam schip 1] .
B. Argos supplied the [naam schip 1] Bunkers to MV [naam schip 1] and the [naam schip 2] Bunkers to MV [naam schip 2] .
C. Argos claimed the redelivery of the [naam schip 2] Bunkers and the [naam schip 1] Bunkers on the ground that it had not received payment for the [naam schip 2] Bunkers or the [naam schip 1] Bunkers.
D. Argos transferred all its rights in and relating to claims relating to the [naam schip 1] Bunkers and the [naam schip 2] Bunkers and the delivery thereof to [eiseres] .
E. [eiseres] intends to commence litigation against [gedaagde] , HMS 2 and HMS 22 to recover its alleged claims in relation to (the supply of) the [naam schip 2] Bunkers and the [naam schip 1] Bunkers.
F. [gedaagde] has expressed willingness to take over the liabilities which HMS 2 and HMS 22 may have towards [eiseres] in order to avoid any attachments or arrests of the MV [naam schip 2] and/or the MV [naam schip 1] and in order to ensure that [eiseres] will only commence litigation against [gedaagde] in connection with or arising out of the supply of the [naam schip 2] Bunkers and the [naam schip 1] Bunkers.
G. Based on the information currently available to [gedaagde] , it will not challenge the validity of the assignment between Argos and [eiseres] . [gedaagde] and HMS 2 and HMS 22 nevertheless require an indemnity from [eiseres] for any claims which Argos for any of its assignees — with the exception of [eiseres] ) may make against [gedaagde] and/or HMS 2 and/or HMS 22 and/or the MV [naam schip 2] and/or the MV [naam schip 1] in connection with or arising out of the supply of the [naam schip 2] Bunkers and the [naam schip 1] Bunkers
1. Definitions and construction
1. Capitalised terms used in this agreement shall have the meaning as set out below.
Argos : Argos Bunkering B.V., a private company with limited liability
with it seat (zetel) in Rotterdam, the Netherlands and its registered office at (3016 CE) Javastraat 12 2e verdieping, Rotterdam, the Netherlands.
[naam schip 1] Bunkers : The marine fuels delivered by or on behalf of Argos aboard the
MV [naam schip 1] in the port of Rotterdam on 6 October 2014 in the amount of 600,656 metric tons with product designation GASOIL SULPH. 0.10% - 0.86% MAX.
[naam schip 2] Bunkers : The marine fuels delivered by or on behalf of Argos aboard the MV [naam schip 2] in the port of Rotterdam on 8 October 2014 in the amount of 4,302.507 metric tons with product specification GAS SULPH. 0.10% - 0.86% MAX.
2. Undertakings and waivers