SEATRADE GROUP N.V., gevestigd te Curaçao (Nederlandse Antillen),
SEATRADE REEFER CHARTERING N.V., gevestigd te Curaçao (Nederlandse Antillen),
SEATRADE HOLDING B.V., gevestigd te Groningen,
SEATRADE GRONINGEN B.V., gevestigd te Groningen,
FORTIS CORPORATE INSURANCE N.V.(voorheen Interloyd Schadeverzekering Maatschappij N.V.),
AMSTERDAM HOLLAND ASSURADEUREN B.V., (als de gevolmachtigde van de private limited company
EAGLE STAR REINSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED, een rechtspersoon naar Engels recht),
gevestigd te Amsterdam,
AVERO SCHADEVERZEKERING BENELUX N.V.(voorheen Sun Alliance Verzekering N.V.),
ALLIANZ NEDERLAND SCHADEVERZEKERING N.V.,(h.o.d.n. Allianz Nederland Schadeverzekering) (voorheen de naamloze vennootschap Royal Nederland Schadeverzekering N.V.),
[gedaagde], (volgens de verdeelbrief van 1 januari 1997 als de gevolmachtigde van de risicodragers: (i) Guardian Royal Exchange Assurance PLC (nr. 002); (ii) Royal Nederland Verzekering Maatschappij N.V. (nr. 004); (iii) Nationale-Nederlanden Schadeverzekering Mij. N.V. (iv); Delta Lloyd Schadeverzekering N.V. (nr. 006); (v) Aegon Schadeverzekering N.V (nr. 009); (vi) Nieuwe Hollandse Lloyd Schadeverzekeringmij. N.V. (nr. 014); (vii) Eagle Star Reinsurance Company Ltd. (nr. 015); (viii) AGF Marine Aviation Transport (nr. 213); (ix) Stad Rotterdam Anno 1720 N.V. (nr. 231); (x) UAP-Nieuw Rotterdam Schade N.V. (nr. 242); Generali Schadeverzekeringsmaatschappij N.V. (nr. 243); (xi) AGF/de Schelde N.V. (nr. 245); Neuchatel Swiss General Insurance Company Limited (nr. 246); SIAT Sociata Italiana Assicurazione e Riassicurazioni SpA (nr. 247)),
GERLING SERVICE NEDERLAND N.V.(voor Gerling-Konzern Allgemeine VAG),
1.De procedure
- het tussenvonnis van 13 januari 2010 (hierna: het tussenvonnis) en de daaraan ten grondslag liggende processtukken;
- de processen-verbaal van getuigenverhoor van 26 april, 7 en 14 juni, 5 oktober, 1 november, 13 december 2010, 1 februari, 29 maart, 20 september, 12 en 14 december 2011, 5 maart en 26 september 2012;
- de gedurende de periode waarin de getuigen zijn gehoord door Seatrade ingediende producties 50 tot en met 69;
- de brief van 29 juli 2013 van Seatrade met een specificatie van voornoemde producties;
- de conclusie na enquête van 31 juli 2013 van Seatrade, met producties;
- de antwoordconclusie na enquête van 25 juni 2014 van verzekeraars, met producties;
- de akte uitlaten nieuwe producties en akte uitlaten nieuwe stellingen na antwoordconclusie na enquête van 10 december 2014 van Seatrade, met producties;
- het faxbericht van 29 december 2014 namens de rolrechter inzake de verdere procesgang;
- de antwoordakte uitlaten nieuwe producties en akte uitlaten nieuwe stellingen na antwoordconclusie na enquête van 4 maart 2015 van verzekeraars;
- het e-mailbericht van 18 maart 2015 namens de rolrechter.
2.De verdere beoordeling in conventie en in reconventie
Spencer Bowerand the ratio in
VACC Insurance v BP Australiaand hold that Seatrade is not be entitled to rely on the Judgment to prove liability and at the same time contest adverse findings because that is inconsistent with its election to rely on the judgment. Whether the English Court analysed this as within the substantive doctrine of election, as an abuse of process or a form of estoppel, in my opinion the English Court would not allow Seatrade to rely on Toulson J's judgment whilst at the same time challenging any of his findings of fact.’
notprevent an Insured from arguing, in proceedings against his liability Insurers, that the basis of liability established in earlier proceedings against the Insured is wrong. In my view, Paragraph 2.7 of the Insurers’ Statement is wrong and does not accurately reflect English law.
Omega Proteinscase states, an Insured who has been held liable to a third party claimant in fraud, is entitled to seek to establish, in a dispute with his liability Insurers, that, whatever the judge found, he was not in fact fraudulent, but only negligent and that he was entitled to cover under the policy on that account. This is precisely the position here.
VACC Insurance v BP Australia[1999] NSWCA 427 (“
VACC”). I should make a number of observations about that decision:
VACCis a decision of the appellate court of one of those states. In principle, an appeal from that decision would lie to the ultimate court of appeal in Australia, which is the High Court of Australia. It does not seem that there was any such appeal. Most importantly, the
VACCcase is not a decision of an English court. It has no precedential value in English law. In this respect, Paragraph 2.7 of Insurers’ Statement is potentially misleading, as it does not make it plain that the
VACCcase is not an English decision.
Omega Proteinscase, which was approved by the English Court of Appeal in the
Astra Zenecacase. An English court would not follow
VACCand would instead follow these two English cases. Indeed, an English court would be bound, by our rules of precedent, to apply the 8th proposition. I do not understand why [persoon D] , who specifically refers to the
Omega Proteinscase at Paragraph 12 of his Opinion, did not draw attention to the 8th proposition of [persoon E] at paragraph 49 of his judgment in that case, as the 8th proposition is plainly inconsistent with [persoon D] ’ Opinion.
VACCcase in any English case. That does not surprise me. The
VACCcase does not represent English law.
Omega Proteinsand
Astra Zenecacases.
notrelying on the written “judgment” of Toulson J to establish liability. The Seatrade defendants are relying on the payments they have made under the settlement agreement with [persoon] , and have adduced evidence of the basis upon which they were liable to [persoon] . Even if - which I do not accept - the
VACCdecision reflects English law, the simple point is that the Seatrade defendants are not seeking, at the same time, to approbate and reprobate the written “judgment” of Toulson J. The Seatrade defendants contend, in the Dutch proceedings, that their liability to [persoon] is quantified by the amounts paid under the settlement agreement, and that the basis for their liability is their negligence, in particular their misplaced trust in [getuige 14] and/or their negligence properly to investigate and verify whether [getuige 14] was telling the truth about the address commission. There is no question of the Seatrade defendants “approbating” and “reprobating” the written “judgment” of Toulson J at one and the same time.'
€ 38.532,00
3.De beslissing