Daartoe stelt de rechtbank aan de hand van de niet-betwiste stellingen van partijen en de niet-betwiste producties de volgende gang van zaken bij het aangaan van de overeenkomst vast.
Kennelijk zijn de onderhandelingen tussen partijen (vooral) gevoerd tussen genoemde [X] van AES en [Y.], een bestuurder van [gedaagde]. Kennelijk heeft AES op 3 mei 2007 per e-mail een aanbod aan [gedaagde] gedaan, naar aanleiding van een “enquiry” van [gedaagde] van 19 april 2007. In dat e-mailbericht schrijft AES onder meer:
“Enclosed we send you:
our quotation
a copy of our General Conditions
In die “quotation” schrijft AES onder meer:
“We thank you for your enquiry dated 19th April for the transportation and offloading of one 88 mtons transformer at EON Benelux in The Hague and we herewith send you our quotation. [..]
Price offer.
- [..]
- offload transformer to foundation and accessories to ground : EURO 4.500
- [..]
- our General Conditions apply to all our activities. A copy of these Conditions have been attached to this quotation.”.
Kennelijk heeft vervolgens telefonisch overleg tussen partijen plaatsgevonden. Daarna schreef [gedaagde] op 1 juni 2007 aan AES per e-mail onder meer:
“Thank you for starting permit application on Monday morning.
You will receive within this evening by e-mail the schedule (our SCL-SOP) to compile with the customer during your visit on site.
At the same time, I’m anticipating to you by fax, as promised, our order (we will finally arranged nex week): enclosed to this you could find transportation drawing showing all transport dimensions and correct weight and the exact loading address you need for the permit application.”.
Eveneens op 1 juni 2007 stuurde [gedaagde] per fax aan AES een uitgebreide, door twee personen geparafeerde en getekende opdracht, met kenmerk “Ordine di Acquisto Numero 870700004 RE.0; Data 01/06/07”, waarop bovenaan iedere pagina staat vermeld:
“Confermiamo l’ordine di quanto sotto, alle condizioni generali riportate a tergo e alle seguenti condizioni particolari.”.
Die opdrachtbevesitiging eindigt met:
Se non diversamente indicate sopra, valgono quelle riportate sul retro del n/ ordine originale. Non sono ammesse correzioni e/o deroghe.”.
Op 2 juni 2007 reageerde AES daarop per e-mail met onder meer het volgende:
“please urgently send us your full order in the English language. We can only work on the basis of your order in English because we cannot read the Italian language.
However, there is one issue that we can read: payment in 60 days. Unfortunately, we cannot accept payment in 60 days. For this first business that we do with each other, we would like to have pre-payment of the full amount, one week before loading at Modena. [..]
We look forward to receiving the order in English and your confirmation of this payment condition.”
[gedaagde] antwoordde per e-mail op 4 juni 2007 met onder meer het volgende:
“We are sorry to inform you that all our orders are only in Italian also because some months ago we changed our informatic system and we have to insert in it English tests yet. In everyway we usually work with suppliers from all Europe using our Italian orders without any problem.
However, to help you, we inform you that in our chronologic program (P1D401272) we sent to you enclosed the order you could find a summary, in English, of what written on our order.
Regarding terms of payment we could arrange, for this work, 30 days from invoice (at the end of the service) but we can’t accept payment in advance (one week before delivery!) because also for us is this the first business that we do with you!”.
Kennelijk is AES op 4 juni 2007 in ’s-Gravenhage op de plaats bestemd voor de aflevering van de transformator gaan kijken. Naar aanleiding daarvan schreef AES op 5 juni 2007 onder meer het volgende aan [gedaagde]:
“please herewith receive our revised quotation and a copy of our General Conditions.
We kindly request you to confirm both.”.
In een bijlage bij die e-mail schrijft AES onder meer:
“We thank you for your enquiry dated 19th April for the transportation and offloading of one 88 mtons transformer at EON Benelux in The Hague and we herewith send you our revised quotation.
We have visited the site on Monday 04 June 2007 and were accompanied by Mr. [..] from EON [..].
Price offer.
- [..]
- offload transformer to foundation and accessories to ground : EURO 10.950 (revised).
- [..]
- our General Conditions apply to all our activities. A copy of these Conditions have been attached to this quotation.”.
[gedaagde] reageerde daarop bij faxbericht van 6 juni 2007 met wederom een uitgebreide, door twee personen geparafeerde en ondertekende opdracht aan AES, thans met kenmerk “Ordine di Acquisto Numero 870700004 REV.1; Data 01/06/07”, wederom met bovenaan iedere pagina:
“Confermiamo l’ordine di quanto sotto, alle condizioni generali riportate a tergo e alle seguenti condizioni particolari.”
en als slot:
Se non diversamente indicate sopra, valgono quelle riportate sul retro del n/ ordine originale. Non sono ammesse correzioni e/o deroghe.”.
Die opdracht vangt aan met de tekst:
“In data 06.06.07. il presente ordine annulla e sostituisce il precedente in rev.0 a causa modifica pagamento e prezzo”
Daarop reageerde AES per e-mail van 7 juni 2007 met onder meer het volgende:
“it would be good if you and I met in Modena some time, to get to know each other in person. [..] we have to meet in person, because now it is too much complicated.
We cannot sign and stamp your order in the Italian language, because we have no idea what is written in the order.
We need your confirmation of our quotation and the conditions. [..] Therefore, please appreciate the fact that we must have your written confirmation of both the quote and the conditions.”
[gedaagde] antwoordde op dezelfde dag met onder meer:
“We agree with you and we accept to meet you in Modena also next week [..] to know each other in person.
We consider you as a serious partner [..] but we have our procedures [..]. That is another reason we never confirm our supplier’s quotation or conditions.”
AES reageerde ook op dezelfde dag met:
“o.k., let me see about the date and I will contact you tomorrow”.
Vervolgens heeft op 15 juni 2007 een bespreking tussen partijen plaatsgevonden op het kantoor van [gedaagde] in Modena. Bij die bespreking heeft [X] namens AES de opdracht van [gedaagde] in de versie van 6 juni 2007 op alle bladzijden geparafeerd.