1.De procedure
- het tussenvonnis van 8 februari 2017;
- het proces-verbaal van comparitie van 30 juni 2017.
2.Het geschil
- voor recht te verklaren dat zij eigenaresse is van het paard [A.] en
- te gebieden dat dit paard aan haar wordt afgegeven op straffe van een dwangsom,
3.De beoordeling
“We are the accoun-tants for Arkins […] as trustee for Arkins Family Trust. […] We can confirm that the purchase of “ [A.] ” was made from the bank account of Arkins […] on 12th November 2015 as per the attached bank statement. We also attach the tax invoice from the vendor of the horse. The tax invoice is in the name of Arkins […]. We can also confirm that ‘ [A.] ’ was included in the stock on hand for the 30th Juni, 2016 financial year in the records of the Arkins Family Trust. Furthermore, the horse continues to remain as stock on hand of the company. From the accounting records provided to us all expenses in relation to the care, transport, etc. have been fully met & paid for by Arkins […]. Furthermore [naam zoon] Arkins has no interest, authority nor control of Arkins […]. [naam zoon] Arkins, when in Australia, he is employed bij Arkins […]. This role is as farm Manager. The horse has never been gifted to [naam zoon] Arkins”.
“We act as the Insurance Brokers for Arkins […]. […] On 8th March 2016 we were instructed by [Arkins] to endorse the policy to include coverage on the 2006 Warmblood gelding, [A.] . […] I can confirm that the Insured on the policy is Arkins […]. There is no mention of any other Interested Parties or Loss Payees, and this subject had never been raised in all our correspondence regarding the insurance fort he subject hores. The premium was paid by Arkins […].Based on the details provided above, it would appear clear that, in respect of the insurance policy arraged, there is no doubt that te Insured was Arkins […]”.
de zaakaan te gaan, of hij geen reden had om aan de bevoegdheid van de schuldenaar te twijfelen. Die situatie doet zich hier niet voor. Er zijn geen omstandigheden gesteld en/of gebleken waaruit volgt dat de gestelde vordering van SH jegens [naam zoon] voortspruit uit een overeenkomst die [naam zoon] bevoegd was met betrekking tot
het paardaan te gaan, of dat SH geen reden had om aan de bevoegdheid van [naam zoon] te twijfelen. De gestelde vordering van SH jegens [naam zoon] spruit voort uit een overeenkomst die [naam zoon] met SH is aangegaan met betrekking tot
een paardenvrachtwagen.
904,00(2 punten × tarief € 452,--)