In de betreffende huurovereenkomsten zijn - onder meer - de volgende gelijkluidende bepalingen opgenomen:
b. The SSH has intended a part of its housing stock specifically for short stay leasing, i.e. letting out on
a temporary basis particularly to foreign students (…);
c. The SSH regularly receives requests via an educational institution of otherwise from foreign
(exchange) students (…) for a limited period of at most one year. There is no intention on their part
of settling in the location (…) for a longer period (…);
d. In addition, the SSH wishes to offer temporary accommodation to those who, for reasons of their
own, have indicated being in a serious predicament regarding accommodation and urgently need
temporary housing. The SSH always ensures that prospective tenants are informed of the temporary
nature of the agreement and with a view to meeting a growing need for temporary accommodation
have set up a special department called SSH Short Stay;
e. In regard to the above-mentioned request the SSH is prepared to provide people with tempory
accommodation under the conditions specified in sections b, c and d, to wit: for a limited period of
time and under specific conditions;
f. This particular (unusual) form of accommodation, also referred to as ''short stay accommodation',
involves the provision of fully furnished and fitted rooms/apartments that are equipped with facilities
that would compare with those provided in a holiday cottage/vacation home, such as 24-hour
calamity service, supervision, and various cleaning facilities;
g. This form of “short stay accommodation” is thus linked to each of the tenants’objectives as
mentioned above, which means that on the day agreed upon for the lease to expire - at most one year
after the date of commencement - the tenant is to leave the room/apartment without any claim to
alternative accommodation;
h. Considering the unusual nature of the manner of accommodation, linked to the specific objective for
which the tenant is temporary studying (…) or for which the tenant needs temporary
accommodation, the SSH Short Stay housing agreement has to be qualified as being one of short
duration tot witch neither the regular rent protection measures nor the rental costs protections act
i. The tenant acknowledges the unusual nature of this form of accommodation and its temporary
character and agrees that he/she will leave the rented premises not later than the day that this lease
expires at 10.00 h. in the morning;
Article 3
The tenant hereby declares that - if applicable - study/work will involve a specific limited period so that the SSH Short Stay housing agreement will commence on 05 Aug 2019 at 14.00h in the afternoon and end on 31 Jul 2020 at 10.00h in the morning.
Article 4
The SSH Short Stay housing agreement, being an agreement of short duration, ends on 31 Jul 2020 at 10.00 h. in the morning without notice of this regard being required.
Article 7
The lessor will fix all visible and invisible defects which may obstruct or seriously hamper the use of the rented room/apartment. Sais lessor will perform all the maintenance that may be necessary for the duration of the rental period.
Article 8
The tenant is not permitted to: