Per e-mail van 13 april 2012 heeft [B] het volgende voorstel aan Ahlström Capital/AC Finance B.V. gestuurd (productie 26 CvR):
'Proposal for the AC-Savcor-Cencorp arrangement
1. Savcor Group Oy (Savcor) buys all AC Invest BV (BV) shares from AhlstrÖm Capital Oy (AC).
AC Invest BV owns all Cencorp Corporation (CNC) shares held by the AC Group (AC), and the ban granted by AC to CNC in June 2011 has been transferred to It [i.e. BV].
2. The price of the AC Invest BV shares (2,775k€ + additional purchase price 262k€, if the ban has not been repaid in full by 31.12.201 2) consists of:
- CNC shares 9c each = 1 ,575k€
- the principal of the CNC ban = 1 ,000k€
- accrued and unpaid interest on the CNC ban up to the purchase date = approx. 137k€
- AC’s accounts receivable from CNC = 60k€
3. Terms of payment
Upon signing of the purchase agreement Savcor pays 0.3 M€ in cash.
AC finances the deal with a ban (vendor’s note), which carries a fixed interest rate of 8% per annum.
Savcor repays the ban according to the below schedule:
30.6.2012 0.3 + interest
3092012 05
30.12.2012 0.5
30.3.2013 0.5
30.6.2013 0.5
30.9.2013 the balance with interest
Savcor has the right to repay the ban also within a shorter period.
4. Collateral
The shares owned by AC and the shares AC holds as collateral (shares in CNC) constitute now the collateral for the ban. The collateral is released quarterly in connection with payments pro rata to the proportion of the ban repaid by the end of the previous quarter.
1f Savcor is not able to meet its payment obligations in accordance with the payment schedule and the payment is over 20 working days behind the due date specified in the schedule, then AC has the right to buy BV back at price that equals the price that Savcor has paid for BV by that time.
5. Other conditions
The opinion of the stock exchange shall be obtained for the transaction and its legitimacy be verified in the way stipulated in the company law and other applicable laws.'