1.Het procesverloop
2.De feiten
‘ “Base Residence” refers tot the location where the crew member carries on flight operations. The crew member provides his/her own accommodation and living arrangements at the base residence. The Base residence will be a mutually agreed location.’
‘If you do not go India I cannot explain this situation to rest of the fleet. To explain this I will have to send similar mail to all Cockpit Crew.You are planned to India in March. Your second option is UVAC.’Daarop heeft [eiser] gereageerd:
‘I would have written the same message if I was in your shoes. Business is business and the show must go on. I don’t blame no one for that. […] I’ll accept the consequences and will take March UVAC as you suggested.’
‘As mentioned in our previous announcement, our first flight will start on 27st of June. […] Our aim by sharing this e-mail is to keep in mind that we will not be able to return to full employment and to full salary as of 1st of July, please consider this when making your work plans.’
3.De vordering
4.Het verweer
5.De beoordeling
wetleaseovereenkomsten sluit en dat hij in dat geval kan kiezen om te werken of thuis te zitten en bij te komen van de zomer. Mede gelet op zijn e-mail van 24 februari 2020 is de kantonrechter van oordeel dat het niet in voldoende mate waarschijnlijk is dat het gevorderde salaris over maart 2020 in een nog te voeren gewone procedure (bodemprocedure) zal worden toegewezen.