Gedurende de maand maart 2018 hebben elf medewerkers van het kantoor van [bedrijfsnaam 1] in België zich bij hun manager/vertrouwenspersoon over het gedrag van [verweerder] beklaagd. [bedrijfsnaam 1] heeft deze klachten serieus genomen en conform de [bedrijfsnaam 1] Whistle Blower Procedure van [bedrijfsnaam 3 (N.V.)] van februari 2015 behandeld. [A] , die ook is aangesteld in de functie van Compliance Officer , heeft het intern onderzoek uitgevoerd en heeft de betrokken klokkenluiders individueel en op een neutrale locatie geïnterviewd. Van deze bevindingen heeft hij op 11 april 2018 een rapportage opgemaakt. De rapportage is als bijlage 5 bij het verzoekschrift gevoegd. De namen van de klagers staan in de rapportage. [bedrijfsnaam 1] heeft de klachten gekwalificeerd als klachten over agressief en onrechtmatig gedrag, alcoholmisbruik, niet-professionele relatie en vriendjespolitiek, alsmede onrust binnen de organisatie. Zij heeft de volgende citaten uit de rapportage in het verzoekschrift vermeld:
Aggressief en onrechtmatig gedrag
“Mentioned he never experienced such abuse and irrational behaviour by a CEO before in his career. This is affecting him personally as this behaviour created a culture of fear, bullying and intimidation in the Belgian office with people working behind closed doors out of fear.”
“Verbally aggressive (even furious) but never physically aggressive with one exception on February 23, 2017 where [initialen van verweerder] pushed an employee out of a conference room, followed by termination and employee suing the company.”
“On March 30 [initialen van verweerder] called noting he found out that a non-professional relationship with [initialen van D] is part of the allegations and threatening him that it would be very costly and embarrassing if [afkorting] were to dismiss him.”
“Notes an atmosphere of fear and bullying at the Belgian office (with a lot of shouting behind closed doors) put in place by [initialen van D] who seems to have a carte blanche, as condoned by [initialen van verweerder] .”
On March 21 [beginletter 1] and her HR colleague had closed their office door because of the cold and because they had to focus on issuing the salary slips that month. [initialen van verweerder] and [initialen van D] came in and asked why the door was closed. When giving the aforementioned reasons [initialen van verweerder] said to them these were “nonsense reasons”. [initialen van verweerder] got more and more aggressive and both HR ladies felt intimidated, bullied and afraid.”
“ CEO [verweerder] is increasingly under influence of alcohol while in the office as evidenced by slurred speech, smell, irrational and aggressive behaviour.”
“Notes [initialen van verweerder] is often under influence in the office (as evidenced by slurred speech, smell) and it is getting worse. He is afraid of 1:1’s with him as he does not know whether he will react rationally.”
“During the “Do Dare Care” launch meeting in Belgium on November 9, 2017 [initialen van verweerder] was under influence. [initialen van verweerder] is often under influence in the office, often already in the morning, as demonstrated by smell, red eyes and slurred speech.”
“During the June 2017 Benelux middle management meeting (approximately 60 Benelux participants) he got increasingly drunk and fell of his chair. He was carried to his room. He was sober again the next morning but did not apologize tot the group.”
“He was drunk during the party at the 2016 Lisbon leadership conference. He is frequently under influence in the Belgian office (smell, red eyes, slur, irrational, intimidating and aggressive behaviour, e.g. [initialen van verweerder] came in [beginletter 2] ’s office late, under influence, stating at one point during the conversation “who is the real marketing manager here”).”
Niet-professionele relatie en vriendjespolitiek
“Suspects unprofessional relationship between [initialen van verweerder] and real estate manager [D] ( [initialen van D] ) who he hired from previous employer [bedrijfsnaam 4] .”
[initialen van verweerder] put a strange message on the [afkorting] Whatsapp group: “Degage?? Encore une fois tu pousse pousse pousse. Ca va mal passer tu sais tres bien. Arrete avec ca avant il est trop tard stp.” It is suspected this was personal and destined for [initialen van D] but sent in error.”
“ [initialen van D] was hired without respecting the HR procedures (…). [initialen van D] received a favourable treatment from the start.
October 2016: [initialen van D] hired with recommended salary of 4K (monthly) with [initialen van verweerder] intervening and increasing to 4.8K.
April 2017: [initialen van D] given10% salary increase, bigger leasecar and 15% (iso 10%) bonus and higher net expense reimbursement. [beginletter 3] had to adapt the tax ruling to allow fort his higher net expense reimbursement.
August 2017: [initialen van D] received exceptional spot bonus of one months salary for succesfully insoursing RE platform. The procedure was not followed for this (i.e. [beginletter 4] not informed, not discussed in MT).
December 2017: [initialen van D] was granted another salary increase”