Effix en [eiseres sub 2] hebben als getuigen doen horen mr. [F] , toenmalig advocaat van Effix en [eiseres sub 2] (hierna: mr. [F] ) en [A] , bestuurder van Effix.
Propertize en SNS Reaal hebben na de getuigenverhoren bij akte afgezien van tegenverhoor. Verder hebben zij een aantal producties overgelegd. In hun na de zojuist genoemde akte genomen conclusie na getuigenverhoor hebben Effix en [eiseres sub 2] , met overlegging van producties, geconcludeerd dat zij zijn geslaagd in het leveren van het hen opgedragen bewijs. Propertize en SNS Reaal hebben in hun antwoordakte na getuigenverhoor en overlegging producties geconcludeerd dat Effix en [eiseres sub 2] niet zijn geslaagd in het hen opgedragen bewijs.
De rechtbank overweegt als volgt.
7.4.2.Mr. [F] heeft, kort samengevat, verklaard dat een overeenkomst tussen partijen tot stand is gekomen, waarbij zijn cliënten een bedrag van € 316.022,00 zouden ontvangen. Over dat bedrag bestond consensus. Aanvankelijk wilde SNS Reaal dat Effix noch [eiseres sub 2] aangifte tegen (medewerkers van) Propertize zouden doen noch civielrechtelijke actie tegen genoemden zouden ondernemen, maar in een gesprek van 8 juni 2012 tussen mr. [F] en mevrouw [B] van SNS Reaal heeft mevrouw [B] bevestigd dat het een ieder vrij staat aangifte tegen een ander te doen. Deze discussie had geen gevolgen voor de consensus over het genoemde bedrag, aldus mr. [F] . Hij moest zijn cliënten ervan overtuigen het bedrag van € 316.022,00 te aanvaarden. Zijn cliënten hebben dat vervolgens gedaan door middel van ondertekening van de brief van 13 augustus 2012 van mr. [F] aan de advocaat van Propertize en SNS Reaal, welke brief een uitvloeisel was van zijn gesprek met mevrouw [B] en is getypt op verzoek van die advocaat, mr. [G] . Door het ondertekenen van die door [A] als zaakvoerder van Effix en [eiseres sub 2] is de overeenkomst tot stand gekomen. Tot slot heeft mr. [F] nog verklaard dat de termijn voor aanvaarding van het voorstel van mr. [G] (6 juli 2012) naar zijn indruk mondeling is verlengd nadat namens SNS Reaal hem was verzocht de brief van 13 augustus 2012 aan zijn cliënten ter ondertekening voor te leggen.
7.4.6.In de brief van 3 juli 2012 van de advocaat van Propertize aan mr. [F] staat, voor zo ver van belang:
“ (…)
Our client is ready to pay a final cash settlement amount to Effix of EUR 316,022 subject to
the following conditions (all of which must be satisfied):
- Agreement by Effix to this letter in writing no later than close of business on Friday, 6 July, 2012;
Execution of definitive documentation effectuating the above-referenced final settlement, including a mutual general release, settlement and confidentiality agreement by the parties (the form and substance of which must be mutualty acceptable to the parties in their respective sole and absolute discretion) no later than Friday, 13 July, 2012 (collectively, the “Definitive Settlement Documents”);
- The delivery to SNS of all SNS property in the possession, custody or control of Effix including, without limitation, materials regarding any SNS project whether held in storage er otherwise such SNS property includes all information (including electronic information and communication) and computers or laptops (and any hard drives or other electronic storage devices) of any other person or party in the possession, custody or control of Effix related to SNS or any SNS project. Such deliveries shall occur no later than the effective date of the settlement. All costs associated with storage and transportation of such property will be paid separately by SNS; and
- By signing the Definitive Settlement Documents, all parties thereto waive their rights to annul or terminate the settlement and/or the Definitive Settlement Documents.
This settlement proposal is non-binding on SNS and is expressly subject to execution of the
Definitive Settlement Documents incorporating the final agreed terms of the settlement (the
form and substance of which must be mutually acceptable to the parties in their sole and
absolute discretion) in the manner set forth above. For the avoidance of doubt, any
settlement will include a general mutual release among the parties including, without
limitation, a release by Effix of any and all claims and causes of action, known or unknown,
against SNS and each of its respective officers, directors, shareholders, affiliates, predecessors, successors, assigns, employees, agents and representatives (each solely in their respective capacities as such) as of the effective date of the settlement including, without limitation, [C] , [D] and [E] (each solely in their respective capacities as officers, employees, agents, or representatives of SNS, as the case may be). Such release by Effix will cover any matter in any way related to SNS including, without limitation, the La Ciguena project in Spain and any other project involving SNS.
Additionally, SNS must be satisfied that (i) there is no threatened or alleged claims against SNS, its officers, employees, agents or representatives (including [C] ) by any prospective buyer procured by Effix regarding the La Ciguena project in Spain, and (ii) Effix will indemnify and hold SNS harmless of and from any future action, litigation or proceeding of any kind or nature either asserted or instigated by Effix (including any actions by third parties caused by Effix) concerning any released claims.
7.4.7.In de brief van 9 juli 2012 van mr. [F] aan de advocaat van Propertize, in reactie op een brief van mr. [F] van 6 juli 2012, staat:
These are settlement negotiations. My letter to you was an attempt to settle this matter on SNSPF’s behalf. 1 take your letter as a rejection. Moreover, your suggestion that SNSPF give your clients money to sue its officials is not an option. SNSPF will not settle with Effix only to be dragged into the very litigation it paid to avoid. Your real estate and architect examples do not apply and are not helpful. SNSPF will not settle with Effix except in accordance with the terms of my letter.
1f Effix wants to commence litigation, so be it. Should that occur, all settlement discussions will end immediately. If Effix wants to settle, you have our settlement proposal. It will be kept open for one more week, at which point it is automatically withdrawn and terminated.
Once again, W&C and SNSPF will vigorously defend any litigation by Effix and will prosecute all actions and counterclaims against Effix (and all persons and entities acting in concert or active participation with Effix) to the fullest extent.
7.4.8.Voorts hebben Propertize en SNS Reaal de brief van 13 augustus 2012 van mr. [F] aan mr. [G] overgelegd, die als volgt luidt:
Consistent without meeting on August 8, 2012 in your London office, my clients (…) accept the settlement proposal attached hereto by your client SNS Property Finance BV, subject to a settlement agreement in Dutch in form and substance acceptable to my clients.
De bijlage bij deze brief bestaat uit twee pagina’s uit de brief van 3 juli 2012, zoals hiervoor grotendeels weergegeven in 7.4.6.
De brief van 13 augustus 2012 stemt overeen met een handgeschreven notitie, die blijkens de getuigenverklaring van mr. [F] , niet weersproken door Propertize en SNS Reaal, is opgesteld door mr. [G] .
7.4.10.Bij hun akte houdende uitlating tegenverhoor en overlegging producties van 5 augustus 2015 hebben Propertize en SNS Reaal onder meer een verklaring van mr. [G] overgelegd. Deze verklaring luidt als volgt:
“White&Case (“W&C”) represented SNS Property Finance (“SNS’) with respect to various
allegations and claims against SNS by Mrs. [eiseres sub 2] , her company, Effix Holding, and its
representatives (collectively “Effix”) during the period between April 2012 and September 2012 (the “Effix Matter”). W&C represented SNS in connection with settlement discussions
concerning the Effix Matter during the summer 2012.
Further to the exchange of correspondence between the lawyers during the summer 2012 – which I understand SNS has presented to the Court -, I have been asked by [J] , lawyer with NautaDutilh to summarize my recollection of the settlement discussion that took place during the meeting at W&C’s London office ‘in August 2012 in the Effix Matter. In connection therewith, 1 have reviewed an English translation of testimony provided to the Court by Mr. [F] of Baker McKenzie (counsel to Effix) and Mr. [A] (director of Effix), respectively, on June 9, 2015.
Mr. [F] ’s testimony that a settlement agreement was reached between Effix and SNS is not correct.
Specifically, Mr. [F] states that the offer contained in my letter of July 3, 2012 was extended orally. That is not correct. I did not extend the terms of my July 3, 2012 offer beyond the July 15, 2012 date (as mentioned in my letter of July 9, 2012). As a result, the offer contained in my letter of July 3, 2012 expired on July 15, 2012.
On 8 August 2012, 1 attended a meeting with Mr. [F] at W&Cs London office. Mr. [F] and I acknowledged that neither of us had any settlement authority on behalf of our respective clients. I made clear to Mr. [F] at our August 8, 2012 meeting that I had no authority to extend any offers of settlement on behalf of SNS, or to accept any settlement on behalf of SNS.
At the London meeting, we discussed the Effix Matter and whether Effix had any interest in
settlement given Effix’s previous correspondence rejecting SNS’ written settlement offer as well as other recent actions taken by Effix against SNS principals. Mr. [F] stated that he would discuss settlement further with his clients after the London meeting.
1 told Mr. [F] that while I could not make or extend any settlement offers, I would discuss any offer Effix might make with my client. We further discussed that if Effix wanted to make a written settlement offer on the same terms as my original July 3, 2012 offer, 1 would see if my client was still willing to settle on those terms. That is the only encouragement 1 gave to Mr. [F] .
Mr. [F] and 1 discussed language to ensure that such offer would be perfectly clear. Mr. [F] indicated he would recommend settlement to his clients based upon SNS’ prior written settlement offer to Effix.
The meeting ended without any agreement by the parties. Rather, Mr. [F] and 1
agreed to have further discussions with our respective clients.
1 received a letter from Mr. [F] dated 13 August 2012 signed by his clients, attached as
Exhibit A (the “Effix Letter”), which was not received by me until the end of August 2012.
After discussing the Effix Letter with SNS, 1 sent Mr. [F] a response letter dated 11 September 2012 rejecting the Effix Letter, attached as Exhibit 3 (the “SNS Letter”).
After sending the SNS Letter to Mr. [F] , 1 received no further communication whatsoever from Mr. [F] regarding either the Effix Letter or the SNS Letter.