[verzoeker 1] en [verzoeker 2] ,
- voor recht verklaart dat de na te noemen beslissing van 7 maart 2023 van de Superior Court of Justice te Toronto, Ontario (Canada), waarbij de familierechtelijke betrekkingen tussen na te noemen minderjarige en de draagmoeder en haar echtgenoot ( [draagmoeder] en [naam 2] ) zijn beëindigd en de familierechtelijke betrekkingen tussen de minderjarige en verzoekers zijn vastgesteld, van rechtswege in Nederland wordt erkend;
- voor recht te verklaren dan wel te verstaan dat verzoekers belast zijn met het ouderlijk gezag over na te noemen minderjarige,
“52. The Surrogate and the Surrogate’s Husband agree that for all purposes including, without limitation, the purposes of legal parentage, and the exercise of parental authority for the Child:
- a)
- b)
53. The intended Parents agree that for all purposes including, without limitation, the purposes of legal parentage, and the exercise of parental authority for the Child:
- Uit de brief van 4 april 2024 van dr. C. Librach, Medical Director, CreATE Fertility Centre te Toronto volgt dat op 1 november 2021 met behulp van in-vitro fertilisatie (IVF) gebruikmakend van een eicel van [eiceldonatrice] en zaadcellen van [verzoeker 1] embryo’s zijn gecreëerd. Op 19 juni 2022 is één van de embryo’s succesvol in de draagmoeder [draagmoeder] teruggeplaatst. Dit heeft geresulteerd in een zwangerschap en een geboorte op [geboortedatum] 2023.
- In de overgelegde beëdigde verklaring “DECLARATION – court hearing” van 10 maart 2023, verklaart de draagmoeder als volgt:
“That I have no objection against a court ruling, without a court hearing, on the request for sole custody en de request for adoption of[minderjarige]as filed by[verzoeker 1]and[verzoeker 2].
That I do not want to be heard by the court, if a court hearing will be scheduled;
That I will not be present at the Court, if a court hearing will be scheduled.”
[minderjarige] (the “Child”) was born on [geboortedatum] , 2023 in [plaatsnaam] , Ontario, Canada;
The Respondent, [draagmoeder] , was the surrogate for the Child (the “Surrogate”). The Respondent, [naam 2] , is the married spouse of the Surrogate (the “Spouse”). The Surrogate ant the Spouse have consented to this Application and to the relief set out herein in a form approved and accepted by this Court. This Court has received and accepted the evidence of the Surrogate and the Spouse that they have waived any parental rights to the Child which they have now of which they may acquire in the future;
The Applicant, [verzoeker 1] , is the genetic father of the Child. An ova donor is genetically related to the Child. The Surrogate is not genetically related to the Child;
The Applicants, [verzoeker 1] and [verzoeker 2] , have acknowledged via sworn evidence that they are committed to meeting, and that they will meet, the emotional and physical needs of the Child;
This Application was made following the birth of the Child;
Being satisfied that the Applicants have established, on a balance of probabilities, the genetic relationship between all parties and the Child; and
Being satisfied on the evidence available to the Court that the best interests of the Child dictate that the other Applicant, [verzoeker 2] , should be recognized as the other legal parent of the Child.
It is declared that the Applicants, [verzoeker 1] and [verzoeker 2] , are the only parents of the Child, and that the Applicants [verzoeker 1] and [verzoeker 2] , are recognized for all purposes in law to be the only parents of the Child.