Beschikking op het op 13 oktober 2023 ingekomen verzoekschrift van:
[verzoeker 1] en [verzoeker 2] ,
de ambtenaar van de burgerlijke stand van de gemeente 's-Gravenhage,
That on 9 September, 2022, I transferred into the uterus of [draagmoeder] (…) one embryo formed by the in vitro fertilization of the ova retrieved from an ovum donor, [eiceldonatrice] , with sperm provided by [verzoeker 2] (…) for the child named [minderjarige] .
- That in my professional and medical opinion, [draagmoeder] became pregnant as the result of said transfer of the embryo which was performed on 9 September, 2022 and the delivery of [minderjarige] on [geboortedatum 2] , 2023, that resulted from the transfer.
- That on [geboortedatum 2] , 2023, [draagmoeder] gave birth to [minderjarige] ’
Paternity. [verzoeker 2] is hereby declared to be the genetic and legal father of the
Maternity. [draagmoeder] is hereby declared to be the birth and legal
Legal Name. The minor child’s legal name is hereby established to be [minderjarige]
Custody. Prior to the date of this order, [draagmoeder] has remained
Termination of Parental Rights. [draagmoeder] ’s legal parental rights
Award of Custody. Sole legal and sole physical custody of the minor child,
Birth Certificate. It is further adjudged and decreed that all Hennepin County court personnel are hereby expressly ordered and authorized to immediately enter, file, complete, sign, stamp, certify, and deliver to [naam 2] , Esq., his authorized designated representative, [verzoeker 2] , or [verzoeker 1] any and all court orders and other documents necessary to create on an expedited basis a birth record for the child reflecting the child’s name as “ [minderjarige] (first name) [middelnaam 1] (middle name) [verzoeker 2] (last name),” the father’s name as ” [voornaam 2] (first name) (no middle name) (middle name) [verzoeker 2] (last name)” (DOB: [geboortedatum 3] , 1979), the father’s birthplace as “ [geboorteplaats 2] , China.” For/on the replacement birth record, remove all information related to the birth mother, “ [draagmoeder] ,” pending completion of a second parent adoption in this matter and list no one as the mother.’
Termination of Parental Rights. [draagmoeder] ’s legal parental rights
Award of Custody. Sole legal and sole physical custody of the minor child,
,van 27 juni 2023, waarbij de adoptie van [minderjarige] door verzoeker [verzoeker 1] is uitgesproken, voldoet aan voornoemde overige voorwaarden voor erkenning van artikel 10:109 BW. Gebleken is dat de weigeringsgronden van artikel 10:108, lid 2 en lid 3 BW zich niet voor doen. De erkenning is verder naar het oordeel van de rechtbank kennelijk ook in het belang van [minderjarige] . Zoals hiervoor is overwogen, zijn er op basis van de stukken geen aanwijzingen dat er kennelijk geen behoorlijk onderzoek of behoorlijke rechtspleging aan de Amerikaanse beslissing is voorafgegaan of dat er sprake is van strijd met de openbare orde.
,de afstammingsband tussen verzoeker [verzoeker 1] en [minderjarige] is vastgesteld, toewijzen.