Beschikking op het op 30 juni 2022 ingekomen verzoekschrift van:
[naam 1] en [naam 2] ,
de ambtenaar van de burgerlijke stand van de gemeente [plaats 1] ,
[plaats 1] ;
* dat in de beslissingen van [datum 1] 2021en van [datum 2] 2022 is vastgesteld dat verzoekers de juridische ouders zijn van de kinderen;
“(…)IT IS ORDERED AND DECREED by the Court that the Gestational Agreement entered into between the Petitioner/Gestational Mother, [naam 4] , and the Petitioner/Gestational Mother’s Husband, [naam 5] , and the Respondents/Intended Parents, [naam 1] and [naam 2] , be and is hereby validated.IT IS FURTHER ORDERED AND DECREED that the Respondents/Intended Parents, [naam 1] and [naam 2] , be and are hereby declared the parents of the children the subject of this suit with the rights, privileges, duties, and obligations set forth in Sections 153.073, 153.074, and 153.132 of the [staat] Family Code.”
“(…)IT IS ORDERED AND DECREED by the Court that the Respondents/Intended Parents, [naam 1] and [naam 2] , be and are hereby declared the parents of the subject child, [minderjarige 1] .IT IS FURTHER ORDERED AND DECREED by the Court that the [staat] Department of State Health Services, Vital Statistics Section, shall issue an original certificate of birth for the subject child, [minderjarige 1] , naming the Respondent/Intended Parent, [naam 1] , as the parent of the subject child, and naming the Respondent/Intende Parent, [naam 2] , as the parent of the subject child.IT IS ORDERED AND DECREED by the Court that the Respondents/Intended Parents, [naam 1] and [naam 2] , be and are hereby declared the parents of the subject child, [minderjarige 2] .IT IS FURTHER ORDERED AND DECREED by the Court that the [staat] Department of State Health Services, Vital Statistics Section, shall issue an original certificate of birth for the subject child, [minderjarige 2] , naming the Respondent/Intended Parent, [naam 1] , as the parent of the subject child, and naming the Respondent/Intended Parent, [naam 2] , as the parent of the subject child.”
- We recognize [naam 1] and [naam 2] as the legal fathers of the children and we do not desire to be the legal parents off the children.
- We recognize the fact that it is in the best interest of the children to allow [naam 1] and [naam 2] to have the sole physical custody and sole legal parental authority of these children.
- We hereby consent with the requests which [naam 1] and [naam 2] will file at the court of The Hague in The Netherlands in order for them to be registered as legal parents over [minderjarige 1] and [minderjarige 2] in The Netherlands.”
- De wensouders verzorgen en voeden de kinderen sinds hun geboorte op.
[plaats 1] ;
- [minderjarige 1] , geboren op [geboortedatum] 2022 te [geboorteplaats] , VS, opgemaakt op
- [minderjarige 2] , geboren op [geboortedatum] 2022 te [geboorteplaats] , VS, opgemaakt op