Rechtbank DEN HAAG
1.Het procesverloop
- de bij brief van 15 april 2021 afkomstig van Devoteam overgelegde producties 25 tot en met 31;
- de bij brief van 15 april 2021 afkomstig van [verweerder] overgelegde producties 15 tot en met 17;
- de brief van 4 mei 2021 waarin Devoteam de kantonrechter bericht dat partijen niet tot overeenstemming zijn gekomen.
2.De feiten
- [verweerder] to update the one pagers and cv into three roles that most fit his profile: telco solution architect, solution architect for utilities industry, middleware designer (allround) – done
- Roles in one pagers should reflect the profile role of the cv and onepagers. When cv is to be submitted for solution architect role, cv titles and experience should mention and emphasize the relevant experience and competences of the requested roles. – done
- Follow up one pager with sales mmmmmmmmmm and to increase possibility of assignment
- if going seriously for a middleware designer role it is important to be certified in the relevant technology – even though you are not taking the developer role. Nowadays development and design roles are more intertwined with the agile delivery methodology. That is the reason Mulesoft certification is important and is one of the easiest to attain.
- We have applied for multiple roles at Rabobank - 1 rejected in the past and another one with no response yet.
- Utilities dutch speaking is still a must for majority of solution architect roles.
- Highlight your profile at multiple Telco clients with our account managers and with Devoteam BE - so far no success. Sales team will continue pushing.
- DU role business consultant submitted and is on hold.
- Currently, we see in the market there is more demand for TOGAF certified solution architect. Suggestion to get this certification as this will provide more opportunities. Mmmmmmm mentioned Mmmmmmm is preparing for this certification, and is able to provide help on how to get certified.
- Currently this week, no outstanding opportunities.
3.Het verzoek
€ 3.056,67 bruto daarbij rekening houdend met één maand opzegtermijn, en met veroordeling van [verweerder] in de proceskosten.
4.Het verweer
€ 91.520,00 en voorts te bepalen dat Devoteam per einde dienstverband geen rechten aan het concurrentiebeding kan ontlenen. Alles met veroordeling van Devoteam in kosten voor juridische bijstand/buitengerechtelijke incassokosten en proceskosten.
5.De beoordeling
Stcrt.2015/12685) zijn daarvoor nadere regels gesteld (Ontslagregeling).