STICHTING PRIVACY FIRSTestablished in Amsterdam,
LANDELIJKE CLIËNTENRAADestablished in The Hague,
[claimant sub 6]of [residence 1] ,
[claimant sub 7]of [residence 2] ,
mr.A.H. Ekker of Amsterdam,
mr.A.H. Ekker of Amsterdam,
mr.C.M. Bitter of The Hague.
1.The course of the proceedings
NJCM et al. and FNV
The facts
The SyRI legislation
The dispute
The assessment
The decision
1.The course of the proceedings
- the summons of 27 March 2018 with exhibits,
- the statement of defence with exhibits,
- the judgment in the procedural issue for joinder of 26 September 2018 along with the documents named therein,
- the document containing comments on the part of FNV of 14 November 2018,
- the reply on the part of the State of 14 November 2018,
- the judgment of 2 January 2019, ordering a personal appearance of the parties,
- the report of the personal appearance of the parties, drawn up without the presence of the parties involved of 29 October 2019 and the document containing exhibits on the part of NJCM et al., submitted at the hearing, with exhibits.
2.NJCM et al. and FNV
Nederlands Juristen Comité voor de Mensenrechten– NJCM) is an organisation involved in the protection and strengthening of human rights and fundamental freedoms. The Civil Rights Protection Platform (
Platform Bescherming Burgerrechten) focuses on the protection of traditional civil rights. Privacy First aims to preserve and promote the right to privacy. The Umbrella Organisation of DBC-free Practices (
Koepel van DBC-Vrije praktijken) is committed to the protection of the right to privacy of clients of psychotherapists.
Landelijke Cliëntenraad) was established pursuant to the Work and Income (Implementation Organisation Structure) Act (
Wet structuur uitvoeringsorganisatie werk en inkomen, hereinafter: SUWI Act or the Act). This organ consists of representatives of national client organisations, municipal client participation organisations and the central client participation councils of the Employee Insurance Agency (
Uitvoeringsinstituut werknemersverzekeringen, hereinafter: UWV) and the Social Insurance Bank (
Sociale verzekeringsbank, hereinafter: SVB). The National Client Participation Council is responsible for periodically consulting UWV, SVB, the municipal authorities and the Minister of Social Affairs and Employment (hereinafter: the Minister) about the design and implementation of client participation at the organs in questions, and to consult the Minister about proposals of the National Client Participation Council regarding policy issues in the area of work and income. [1] According to its internal rules, the National Client Participation Council aims to fulfil a key role pertaining to client participation regarding policy issues in the area of work and income, among other things.
Federatie Nederlandse Vakbeweging– FNV) is a trade union. It promotes the interests of its members, guided by – among other things – the fundamental values of equality of all persons, freedom, justice and solidarity.
3.The facts
Systeem Risicoindicatie(hereinafter: SyRI) is a legal instrument the Netherlands government uses to prevent and combat fraud in the area of social security and income-dependent schemes, taxes and social security, and labour laws. According to the legislator, SyRI is a technical infrastructure with associated procedures with which data can be linked and analysed anonymously in a secure environment, so that risk reports can be generated. [2]
Immigratie- en Naturalisatiedienst, hereinafter: IND) as well as supervisory authorities such as the Social Affairs and Employment Inspectorate. These bodies may form a collaborative alliance in which they exchange data. By applying SyRI, the data files which the government or other bodies have available are linked in a structured manner to be able to identify related abuses in the aforementioned areas and increase chances of catching the perpetrators of such abuses.
Landelijke Stuurgroep Interventieteams– hereinafter: LSI) and projects carried out at the regional level by Anti-Fraud Regional Platforms. The Cooperation Agreement for Intervention Teams was updated in 2017. [3]
Vereniging van Nederlandse Gemeenten– VNG)), the SVB, the Public Prosecution Service and the IND.
Wet werk en bijstand, hereinafter: WWB). Section 64 WWB (as of 1 January 2015: Participation Act) obliges certain bodies to provide statements and information to UWV required for the implementation of said act. In 2005 the then State Secretary for Social Affairs and Employment adopted a framework for the accessibility of data sources for the purpose of linking records. In 2005 the Waterproof project was launched. In this project record linkage occurred in which the living situation of recipients of social assistance under the WWB in 65 municipalities was verified by linking the consumption figures of water companies to the living details and pollution units of the water boards. In response to criticism from the Dutch Data Protection Authority (
College voor bescherming van persoonsgegevens– Cbp) of record linkage in this project, the former Social Security Information and Investigation Service (
Sociale Inlichtingen en Opsporingsdienst– SIOD, currently the Social Affairs and Employment Inspectorate, investigation department) created an environment which was referred to as the ‘black box’. In this environment, the SIOD carried out record linkages and developed risk profiles with the help of these record linkages carried out by order of and for the regional intervention teams. The ‘black box’ project ended in 2010.
4.The SyRI legislation
Wet bescherming persoonsgegevens, hereinafter: Wbp Act).
systeem risico indicatie[SyRI] containing a finding of an increased risk of unlawful use of government funds or government schemes in the area of social security and income-dependent schemes, taxes and social security fraud or non-compliance with labour laws by a natural person or legal person, and of which the risk analysis, consisting of coherently presented data from the
systeem risico indicatie[SyRI], forms part.”
wijkgerichte aanpak– WGA). [10] At the hearing the State explained that it has been working on the development of a risk model for certain companies and an address-related risk model. According to the explanatory memorandum to the SUWI Decree, in due course the intention is to create the opportunity for the application of a risk model specifically designed for a particular SyRI project.
Stichting Inlichtingenbureau, hereinafter: IB) has been designated as processor and for linking the records in SyRI (Article 5a.2 SUWI Decree in conjunction with Article 5.24 SUWI Decree). Pursuant to Section 63 SUWI Act, the IB has been designated as the organ that is responsible for the coordination and service provision for municipal authorities in the area of exchanging data between the UWV, the Centre for Work and Income (
Centrum voor Werk en Inkomen– CWI) and municipal authorities and the use, structure and maintenance of the required electronic infrastructure, Suwinet. [11] As processor, the IB is charged with, among other things, the collation, pseudonymisation (meaning: data encryption in a dataset so that the data are no longer directly traceable to an individual), checking the encrypted records against the risk model and decryption after the assessment.
Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens, hereinafter: AP, previously Cbp) has been designated as the supervisory body in the Netherlands within the meaning of the GDPR and as an external privacy authority monitors compliance with the SyRI legislation. [12]
5.The dispute
6.The assessment
Profiling as exampleThe potential hazards in using large data sets are best illustrated with profiling to identify persons posing an increased risk. After all, this could lead to the situation where general characteristics are attributed to an individual.
Systeem Risico Indicatie[SyRI]. That system enabled the Ministry of Social Affairs to run different types of files containing data of citizens against each other in order to detect taxes or social benefits fraud. This is in line with the use of deep learning and self-learning systems, which after all are focused on investigating as many links as possible without preconceived notions. The downside is that such data may constitute a serious interference with a person’s privacy. The enumeration of data is so wide that it is difficult to think of personal data that would not fall under it. The list appears not to seek limitation, but rather to create the widest possible reach.”
Deep learning – self-learning systemsThe Tax and Customs Administration is at the forefront of the application of deep learning techniques: it has huge amounts of data on persons in the Netherlands and plays a pivotal role in many collaborative alliances, such as those of the
Systeem Risico Indicatie[SyRI]. In addition, some municipalities use algorithms to select possible cases of social assistance benefit fraud. The algorithm reads all sorts of data, such as dates of birth, family composition, benefit history and data of the Tax and Customs Administration, the Land Registry and the National Vehicle and Driving Licence Registration Authority. (…)
Systeem Risico Indicatie). Contrary to what the Division assumes SyRI is not a deep learning application nor is it a self-learning system. SyRI is emphatically not a tool to predict whether or not an individual could commit an offence. SyRI compares files containing existing, factual data of the parties designated under Section 64 of the Work and Income (Implementation Organisation Structure) Act (SUWI), such as the UWV, the SVB, the Municipal Executives, the Tax and Customs Administration and the Social Affairs and Employment Inspectorate in order to assess whether there are discrepancies in the data. If the mutual comparison following assessment against the risk model shows a discrepancy, this discrepancy must be examined by one or more of said parties before a decision may be taken that may have legal consequences for the data subject.” [20]
in the implementationof the SyRI legislation no use is made at this point in time of ‘deep learning’ and data mining in the application of SyRI, as argued by NJCM et al.
the developmentof risk profiles on the one hand, and
their useon the other. The court assumes that in the implementation of the SyRI legislation no risk profiles based on file linkages are currently being developed. This, as put forward by the State, in response to the references of NJCM et al. to the aforementioned Waterproof and ‘black box’ projects. The court is unable to find whether risk profiles are truly not being developed with the aid of file linkage (see, for comparison, 6.49). However, the court deems it to be inherent in SyRI as an instrument, considering the purposes for which data are processed in SyRI and in light of the definitions of the terms risk model and risk indicator, that use is made of risk profiles based on existing factual data when SyRI is used.
S. and Marper versus the United Kingdomrevolved around the lawfulness of the British Data Protection Act (1998), implementing Directive 95/45 and the guidelines for the use of the Police National Computer on the basis of said act in connection with the retention of fingerprints, cellular samples and DNA profiles. Although the factual context of this case, too, is not comparable with the current proceedings, the judgment contains considerations of the ECtHR on data protection of a more general nature. That makes this judgment relevant to the assessment of the lawfulness or unlawfulness of the SyRI legislation.
inter alia, duration, storage, usage, access of third parties, procedures for preserving the integrity and confidentiality of data and procedures for its destruction, thus providing sufficient guarantees against the risk of abuse and arbitrariness.” [25]
andthe choice of the legislator for data processing in an instrument such as SyRI therefore meet the general necessity requirement of Article 8 ECHR. The latter concerns the technical infrastructure chosen to link, or have the ability to link, data files in a secured environment in order to carry out analyses, so that risk reports can be generated.
S. and Marper versus the United Kingdom,the ECtHR considered as follows:
“The Court considers that any State claiming a pioneer role in the development of new technologies bears special responsibility for striking the right balance in this regard”. [29] The Dutch legislator does not claim to be a pioneer in the application of the instrument of SyRI in this case, while that matter also concerned the retention of DNA profiles for an indefinite term. Both the intrusiveness of the interference with private life and the safeguards to protect privacy of the British legislation reviewed in that matter differ from those in the current proceedings. Nevertheless, the court holds that in this case, too, the State bears a special responsibility, as expressed by the ECtHR.
Gemeentelijke Basisadministratie– GBA) are registered at different addresses while in fact they are living at the same address. An example of undeclared assets is someone whose bank balance has grown exponentially in one year. Other examples include a person who has several lock-up garages in a particular neighbourhood and has multiple vehicles registered in his name in a short period of time, or a recipient of social assistance under the WWB who has registered a bank account number with the Tax and Customs Administration with assets, while this is not known to the Municipal Social Services.” [30]
- summons € 98.01
- court fees € 1,252.00
- lawyer’s fees
7.The decision
mr.M.C. Ritsema van Eck-van Drempt,
mr.J.S. Honée and
mr.H.J. van Harten and pronounced in open court on 5 February 2020.