Er is geen crimineel die bekend zonder dat hij gemarteld wordt (…)
Torture and other ill-treatment of detainees, including children, in prisons and detention centres controlled by the Iraqi security forces are widespread. Amnesty International has received numerous reports of detainees, especially those suspected of direct or indirect involvement in armed groups, being tortured by Iraqi security forces, especially forces under the control of the Interior and Defence Ministries (…) Torture often occurs immediately following arrest when detainees are held incommunicado in police stations or detention facilities, some said to be secret, controlled by the Ministries of Interior and Defence. Detainees are tortured to force them to make and sign “confessions” linking them to specific criminal offences, which are often used against them if and when they are brought before a judge.”
.afgeleid dat, voor zover van belang, verweerder bij zijn beoordeling alle feitelijke en juridische gegevens moet betrekken die zien op de situatie van de vreemdeling in relatie met het door hem gepleegde strafbare feit, zoals onder meer de aard en ernst van dat strafbare feit en het tijdsverloop sinds het plegen daarvan.
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