2.5.De Staat heeft op 5 december 2011 een Request For Proposal (hierna: RFP), met bijlagen, verzonden aan de (tien) geïnteresseerde marktpartijen, waaronder aan Sagem en Thales en Elbit. In het RFP staat, voor zover thans relevant vermeld:
11. The NLD MoD is the single contracting nation on behalf of all BENELUX Participants and will assess the received offers according to the following structure.
First of all the NLD MoD will assess the compliancy with the selection criteria as stated in Paragraph 12. If one or more answers are not compliant, we will not take your offer into account any further.
Secondly the NLD MoD will assess the compliancy with the knock out criteria as stated inEnclosure 2 - Knock out criteria. If one or more answers are not compliant, we will not take your offer into account any further.
Finally we will assess your offer in depth according to the award criteria.
12. The following selection criteria will be assessed.
Law of insurance against occupational hazards;
You are obliged to inform us about a project or programme, with a financial volume of at least € M 60 within a similar technical range and system integration as the required Smart Vest. You are kindly requested to mention the following: a description of this project or programme, the customer, the end-user and a relevant Point Of Contact (POC).
The Supplier has to fulfill the provisions in accordance with a quality system equal to or comparable with ISO 9001:2008. After contract award, this system shall be adapted by the Supplier to be compliant with AQAP 2110, with respect to the software it will be AQAP 2210.
13. The best value for money to the MoD's with respect to the following criteria:
• Commercially:
o Price: total costs of ownership;
o Delivery/ completion date (compliance with the planning);
o Compliance with draft contract. The Supplier has to submit a statement of compliancy to each and every paragraph of the draft contract. In case of changing, adding, or not in full acceptation of terms and conditions, the NLD MoD reserves the right not to consider the offer any further.
• Technically:
o Compliance with all Programmes of Requirements (see Annexes A.1, A.2 and A.3 to Enclosure 1). For information purposes, the Operational Concept Description for Smart Vest is included as Enclosure 8;
o Scores in the Multi Criteria Analysis. The Supplier's proposal has to achieve sufficient technical scores in the technical evaluation by the NLD MoD with respect to the Multi Criteria Analysis process(Enclosure 7 - The technical evaluation process);
o Test model performance. In the final evaluation stadium, the preferred Supplier(-s) must deliver test models of the "Smart Vest" and a range of radios for evaluation. All test models must comply with the requirements as described inEnclosure 7 - The technical evaluation process. This will be evaluated by the NLD MoD.
• Logistically:
o Compliance with the Programme of Requirements for ILS (See Annex A3 to Enclosure 1) and delivery of a Training Plan and Maintenance Plan.
• Quality Assurance:
o Sufficient answers based on the Case 'Management of changes'(Enclosure 6 - Case "Management of changes")in order to validate the Supplier's approach to major changes;
o The Quality Management System must comply with the AQAP 2110 and AQAP 2210;
o Delivery of a Quality Plan.
Verder wordt, samengevat, in artikel 53 van de RFP de mogelijkheid geboden om vragen te stellen en in artikel 10 aan de inschrijvers verzocht om de Staat te informeren in het geval er belangrijke informatie ontbreek.
In bijlage 7 bij het RFP, waarnaar in artikel 13 wordt verwezen, staat onder meer vermeld:
Enclosure 7: Technical evaluation process
This enclosure provides information about the pre contractual technical evaluation process carried out by the NLD MoD. The selection of the final Supplier will take place in two consecutive stages;
Stage 1: Pre evaluation (all Suppliers)
Evaluation of the proposal as provided by the Supplier.
Stage 2: Final evaluation (preferred Suppliers only)
Evaluation of 'test models'
Multi Criteria Analysis (MCA)
During both stages of the evaluation phase a Multi Criteria Analysis (MCA) will be used to evaluate the offer with respect to "Quality". The organization of the MCA tree is shown in figure 1.
Operational capabilities
System Design
System Architecture
Training and education
Command and Control
Electrical & Software Architecture
Sustainment and Maintenance
Transmission Aspects (Network)
System Deployment Support
LCP Architecture
figure 1: MCA Tree for evaluation of the Smart Vest proposals
The proposals will be evaluated against 11 criteria (the red rectangles). The proposals will be evaluated on an integrated system level as it will be used by the end user from an operational perspective, using these criteria. Every criterion has a specific value in the evaluation, indicated with a weight, as can be seen in the table below.
Direct Criterion
Direct Criterion
Direct Criterion
Operational Capabilities
System Design
System Architecture
Training and eductaion
Command and Control
Electrical & Software Architecture
Sustainment and Maintenance
Transmission Aspects (Network)
System Deployment Support
LCP Architecture
Stage 1: Pre evaluation
Evaluation of the proposal as provided by the Supplier.
Stage 2: Final evaluation
The second stage of the evaluation process will be focused on evaluation of the performance of key elements of the proposed system, through the use of "test models", in a number of controlled experiments ("tests"). This evaluation will be carried out by the NLD MoD. The results of these tests will be used to re-evaluate the evaluation executed in stage 1, using the same MCA method.
Within this stage, the following steps are planned;
Step 1: Based on the pre evaluation, a limited number of Suppliers shall be notified that they have been selected as preferred Supplier. Simultaneously, they will receive a document with regarding the relevant physical body measures of each test person. It is up to the Supplier to determine and provide the corresponding clothing and equipment sizes.
The Supplier is allowed to indicate in his proposal, which body size(-s) he prefers to receive in order to correctly determine the corresponding clothing and equipment sizes for each test person.
For the testing of the C4I Application, the State will provide information on the details for coupling the proposed C4I application platforms to the VBS2 environment.
Step 2: Delivery of the test models by the Supplier. The scope of the delivery can be found in Attachment A. In case of deviations between the proposal and the test models a list of all deviations shall be included by the Supplier.
Step 3: In the same week as the delivery of the test models, the supplier shall present and explain how the test models must be used (in particular LCP components and C4I radios and applications). This shall take place in the Netherlands (location to be determined). For the C4I&ESS parts, the presence of technical support is required during the entire duration of the tests.
Step 4: The NLD MoD will execute the tests in the Netherlands. Tests that will be executed in the field will be in the local weather conditions. The test models supplied by the Supplier will be tested on several different levels; Smart vest, LCP and C4I&ESS. The instructions for these tests can be found in Attachment B. These instructions are a top level description of the tests that will be executed; detailed descriptions are outside the scope of this document.
Step 5: Evaluation by the NLD MoD.