1.Summary of the case
2.The procedure
3.The facts
inter alia, financing and holding shares in other companies. One of the companies within the Cofilux Group of companies is Cofilux Investments 2 S.A. Cofilux holds 100% of the shares in Cofilux Investments 2 S.A., which latter company in its turn has a 100% share interest in Ilka. As a result, Cofilux is an indirect 100% shareholder in Ilka. The day-to-day management of Cofilux is conducted by,
inter alia, [B] and Ms [C].
inter alia[B]) regarding the manner in which the real estate portfolio would be financed. The e-mail shows that it was Benelux Wonen's intention to acquire real estate for an average purchase price of around EUR 100,000.00. Furthermore, the e-mail shows that the real estate would be financed for 70% by means of a bank loan and for 30% by loans provided by Cofilux or any of its group companies. With respect to the loans that Cofilux would provide, [G] wrote as follows:
- i) a fixed interest of 5% per year, which interest would be due and payable quarterly;
- ii) a variable interest equal to 15% “of the net capital gain (after taxes and costs) prorent to the lent amount”, which interest would be due at realisation of the borrower's investment, which realisation would take place after 5 years;
- iii) in case of a delayed or failed payment of the interest, and in any case for any amount contractually due: a delay interest that shall accrue on the amount “for the rate of what referred to in 3. increased of 2% (two percent)”; and
- iv) all costs, charges and expenses which Ilka may “incur, sustain or be put to after default has been made by the Borrower”.
Court: loan to value ratio]. When a property of 100 is bought and valued by the bank at 100, the Borrower will receive a 70% loan from the bank. This ratio is then used as the basis for the variable interest being in this scenario 30% of the net capital gain (after taxes and costs).
Court: Ilka] en de Kredietnemer [
Court: Benelux Wonen] verbinden zich bij deze tegenover de Bank en jegens elkaar om zolang de Kredietnemer bij de Bank kredietfaciliteiten geniet of aan de Bank iets schuldig is uit welken hoofde ook, zo in als buiten rekening-courant en al of niet in het gewone bankverkeer, met betrekking tot voormelde vordering van de Schuldeiser op de Kredietnemer geen (rechts)handelingen te verrichten of na te laten waardoor de vordering:
- i) geheel of gedeeltelijk teniet gaat dan wel geheel of gedeeltelijk het vermogen van de Schuldeiser verlaat; ofwel
- ii) met een beperkt recht wordt bezwaard;
4.The case in first instance
5.The case in appeal
6.The considerations
vertragingsrente). Application of compound interest pursuant to this provision is not a main rule for business agreements, but rather an exception that is laid down by law for the specific circumstances described therein (i.e. delay interest). This exception cannot be relied upon in the current context of the agreed fixed interest, which has the character of a periodic fee for the loan and not of a compensation for delay. As the parties did not agree on compound fixed interest, simple interest is applicable to the fixed interest clause. Ilka’s claim for additional amounts in fixed interest based on this ground will also be rejected.
loan-to-valueprinciple. According to the explanation provided in the amended article 3, the parties envisaged the bank to provide 70% of the financing required for purchasing the apartments, and the Cofilux entities to provide the remaining 30%. Article 3 stipulates that “This ratio is then used as the basis for the variable interest being in this scenario 30% of the net capital gain”, and if Benelux Wonen is able to obtain a higher percentage of bank financing (above 70%) “the variable interest rate will be adapted according to this”. It follows from the wording of article 3, interpreted in the context of the other provisions of the loan agreements of the Cofilux entities and the LOI, that the variable interest was meant to reward the Cofilux entities for their share in the total financing of the activities of Benelux Wonen by entitling the Cofilux entities to a percentage in future capital gains equal to their share in the total financed amount: in principle 30%, but subject to review depending on the actual share of financing by the bank. Since the percentual component of the variable interest is not fixed but subject to review on the basis of the actual share of the Cofilux entities in the total financing, it is consistent with the remuneration principle as intended by the parties that the phrase “prorent to the lent amount” relates to the division of the variable interest between the Cofilux entities only. An interpretation of this phrase to the effect that the finance share of the bank is (again) included in the calculation of the proportionate entitlement of Ilka would contravene the intention of the parties to reward the Cofilux entities proportionate to their share in the total financing.
lawyer’s fees EUR 18,000.00(3 x EUR 6,000.00)
lawyer’s fees EUR 12,000.00(3 x EUR 4,000.00)