the Budapest Regional Law Court, Hongarije (hierna: de uitvaardigende justitiële autoriteit) en strekt tot de aanhouding en overlevering van:
2.Identiteit van de opgeëiste persoon
4.Grondslag en inhoud van het EAB
judgment of the District Court of Dabasvan 9 september 2019 (met kenmerk No. 8.B.132/2017/108) en een arrest van
the Budapest Environs Regional Courtvan 16 april 2020 (met kenmerk 1.Bf.820/2019/12).
The person will be personally served with this decision without delay after the surrender; and
When served with the decision, the person will be expressly informed of his or her right to a retrial or appeal, in which he or she has the right to participate and which allows the merits of the case, including fresh evidence, to be re-examined, and which may lead to the original decision being reversed; and
The person will be informed of the timeframe within which he or she has to request a retrial or appeal, which will be 1 month from the day when the person became aware of the conclusive decision becoming final and binding.”
7.Toepasselijke wetsbepalingen
[opgeëiste persoon]aan
the Budapest Regional Law Court, Hongarije voor de feiten zoals die zijn omschreven in onderdeel e) van het EAB.