1.De procedure
It will be the responsibility of (…) [naam] (…) to assign to the Independent Contractor (and supervise) the specific tasks to be carried out. In addition, the Independent Contractor shall perform such other dues and tasks, or changes to the Services, as may be agreed upon by the Parties.”
All activities for the day(s) were listed. If we are looking at to see if 8hrs were spent everyday, then no. This was the same situation when I was employed too. (…)”.
Unfortunately, we will not be paying these invoices since you haven’t provided the services as agreed by freelance contract. Based on the time sheets (distinguishing between billable non billable time) you submitted, it has become – undisputedly – clear thatcumulativelyyou only have been working a few days per month, and instead you are invoicing each day regardless of the services you provided.
(…) The contract clearly states that I shall be paid 400 euro everyday. I have been working and available everyday as invoiced - it is not MY PROBLEM that you did not have enough work. BTW, the contract DOES NOT state how many HOURS I need to put in everyday, so your reason here is not valid.
3.Het geschil
4.De beoordeling
“in dienst van”het meest onderscheidende criterium.
“in dienst van”wordt in de rechtspraak gelijkgesteld met de aanwezigheid van een gezagsverhouding. De vraag of sprake is van een gezagsverhouding is het cruciale punt bij het onderscheid met de overeenkomst van opdracht (artikel 7:400 BW) en dus beslissend voor de vraag of er sprake is van een werknemer of van een ondernemer.
GOT shall pay the Independent Contractor Euro 400 per day.” Partijen verschillen van mening hoe deze bepaling moet worden uitgelegd.
€ 178,00 +