1.Procedural history
dagvaarding), with exhibits, dated 13 November 2020, setting out its claims against PRA and its US-based parent company, PRA Health Sciences, Inc. (PRA U.S.) to the Civil Section of the District Court of the Northern Netherlands.
proces-verbaal) of this hearing.
“A Double-Blinded, Placebo-Controlled, Single-Dose and Multiple-Dose Study to Evaluate the Safety, Tolerability, Pharmacokinetics, Pharmacodynamics and Proof of Concept of DM-199 in Healthy Subjects and Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus”(the “Study”), which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference;
inter aliaa prejudgment attachment on all data which are DiaMedica’s property under Article 9.0 of the Agreement, and to transfer these data to a depositary appointed by the court and be held in judicial custody.
3.The claims for revindication of documents
verklaart voor recht) that DiaMedica is the rightful owner of the Documents (as defined below in para. 4.2);
gehengen en gedogen) that DiaMedica exercises its rights as owner of the Documents and to cooperate with the surrender of the Documents by the judicial custodian of the Documents to DiaMedica, on pain of an immediately payable penalty of EUR 10,000 to be forfeited by PRA for each violation of this order to be increased by an immediately payable penalty of EUR 10,000 for each day such violation continues;
nakosten) in the amount of EUR 163, to be increased by statutory interest if and insofar as these costs have not been paid within 14 days of notice and - if the judgment is served - to be further increased by an amount of EUR 85 and the costs of said service, these amounts to be increased by the statutory interest, if and to the extent that PRA has not paid them within (the legally required term of) two days, or within a term deemed reasonable by the Court, after service (or notification) of the judgment to be rendered.
- Documents: the Physical Documents and Digital Data to be surrendered by PRA pursuant to DiaMedica’s claim;
- Digital Data: the digital documents to be surrendered by PRA pursuant to DiaMedica’s claim;
- Physical Documents: the physical documents to be surrendered by PRA pursuant to DiaMedica’s claim;
- Data: the data as defined in Article 9.0 of the Agreement;
- Source Data: the original, raw, and unprocessed data collected or generated by PRA in the course of conducting the clinical trial;
- Source Documents: Physical Documents containing Source Data;
- Investigator File: a collection of documents pertaining to PRA’s specific study site and the conduct of the trial at that site;
- Software: software, which has been independently developed by PRA, except to the extent that improvements or modifications include, incorporate or are based upon the Sponsor’s information.
- the existence of a right to suspend contractual obligations. Under Article 12 (1)(c) Rome I Regulation this question, which relates to the consequences of an (alleged) breach of contractual obligations, is also governed by the law applicable to the Agreement. In this case: New York State law.
- the existence of a property right. This is not a matter of contract but a matter of property law. The Rome I Regulation is not applicable. As there is no treaty or regulation guiding this issue, the rules of Dutch domestic private international law apply. Under Article 10:127(1) of the Dutch Civil Code (DCC) the property law regime relating to things, as a rule, is the law of the state in whose territory the thing is situated (the
i) Are digital data subject to a property right?
zaken). ‘Things’ are corporeal objects that are subject to human control (Article 3:2 DCC). Although data may be recorded on a hard drive or a data carrier which render them under human control, the current conception of law as described in the legal literature and case law is that digital data as such do not meet the definition of ‘things’:
Schrems IIruling by the ECJ). [18] The EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework announced on 25 March 2022 by European Commission President Von der Leyen has not yet resulted in a new adequacy decision. [19]
Schrems IIruling also casts doubt as to the current adequacy of data protection in the U.S. The Parties did not provide the Court with any information on this point. As health data require a higher level of protection than other personal data (Article 9 GDPR), the Court is not satisfied that protection can be guaranteed by providing safeguards. As a consequence the relevant personal data are to remain within the European Union for the time being. Therefore, the Court will order DiaMedica to designate a representative within the European Union under Article 27 GDPR. For practical purposes, as the personal data are currently in the custody of a Dutch custodian, DiaMedica may designate its Dutch counsel as its representative in this respect. The custodian is to determine which data are personal data (which may only be transferred to the representative) and which data are not personal data (which may be sent to DiaMedica’s Minneapolis office).
- Source Documents,
- Software and other documents and data generally used by PRA and not developed solely for the Sponsor,
- the Investigator File.
All data (including without limitation, written, printed, graphic, video and audio material, and information contained in any computer database or computer readable form) generated by PRA in the course of conducting the Services (the “Data”) and related to the Services will be Sponsor’s property.”
- the information contained in the Investigator File cannot be considered "Data" within the meaning of the Agreement;
- the Investigator File is unnecessary for DiaMedica to reconstruct or audit the clinical trial;
- DiaMedica cannot claim ownership of the physical copies of the Investigator File secured in PRA’s archives for its own records; and
- any disclosure or transfer of personal data to DiaMedica must be done by PRA in a manner compliant with the GDPR and UAVG.
- “analytical methods, computer technical expertise and software, which have been independently developed by PRA (…), except to the extent that improvements or modifications include, incorporate or are based upon Sponsor’s information.” (Article 9.0)
- “all business processes, contract terms, prices procedures, policies, methodologies, systems, computer programs, software, applications, databases, proposals and other documentation generally used by PRA and not developed solely for Sponsor (…), along with any improvement, alteration or enhancement made thereto during the course of the Services(…)” (Article 10.2)
bezitter) of the Physical Documents (which means PRA was merely the holder (
houder) during the performance of the Services). This is further evidenced by DiaMedica allowing PRA to “retain” a copy of the data at the termination of the Agreement (Article 10.3).
- DiaMedica is the owner of the Physical Documents;
- DiaMedica is currently not the owner of the Digital Data, but there is a contractual obligation for PRA to cooperate in DiaMedica becoming the owner of the Digital Data except where it pertains to PRA’s software and other data referred to in paragraph 4.33 of this judgment.
- PRA’s argument that the bailiff, in enforcing the leave for attachment, attached more documents and data than fall within the scope of DiaMedica’s property right;
- the Participants’ right to privacy that needs to be protected in any transfer of documents containing personal data.
- the declaration requested that DiaMedica is the rightful owner of the Documents will be limited to only the Physical Documents;
- the order for PRA to allow and tolerate that DiaMedica exercises its rights as owner of the Documents will be limited in the same manner;
- the order for PRA to cooperate with the surrender of the Documents, including the data carrier with the Digital Data, by the judicial custodian to DiaMedica will be awarded under the following conditions:
verklaart voor recht) that DiaMedica is the rightful owner of the Physical Documents,
gehengen en gedogen) that DiaMedica exercises its rights as owner of the Physical Documents and to cooperate with the surrender of the Physical Documents, including the data carrier with the Digital Data, by the judicial custodian to DiaMedica under the following conditions: