vonnis van de kantonrechter
de vennootschap naar buitenlands recht Xcellerate.biz Ltd.
Really appreciate your great work so far developing CNX, I’d like to make our offering more concrete and move to a shareholder agreement asap pending your decision to continue on with us. (…)This email is not a binding document or agreement, that will happen in the shareholder agreement and employment/contractor contract.1. [eiser] ] will be responsible for managing CNX and it’s operations from an executive level. (…)4. [eiser] will be a founding member of CNX, with 10% of CNX company shares being allocated upon creation of the new shareholders agreement.5. The first client sponsored revenues in CNX up to 10,000 Euro’s per month shall be allocated to pay [eiser] ’s salary.
Just to summarize briefly what we discussed (…):1. I’ll spend the next few weeks making sure any ongoing or open CNX items are closed or handed over. (…)2. I can continue to be present in the background (…), though will be using the balance of my time working on other projects (…)3. In order to recognize the work that has already one into CNX up to now we discussed adjusting previous proposal down to something more appropriate. This can be equity in CNX, in Xcellerate or other form of compensation we agree on.
In December of 2020, a new arrangement was proposed where I would take equity in place of salary. I requested and expected a written agreement to be provided within a reasonable amount of time. Unfortunately, this did not occur.After waiting an extremely generous amount of time to receive a written contract, I informed the company that I was no longer open to that proposal, falling back to our original employment agreement, which is still legally in effect.
vordering en verweer
exploot € 103,33
salaris € 1.496,00
griffierecht € 693,00
totaal € 2292,33
voor zover van toepassing, inclusief btw;
€ 62,00 aan salaris gemachtigde, voor zover van toepassing inclusief btw;