beschikking van de kantonrechter
de besloten vennootschap [verweerster] B.V.
9.2 In case of illness of the Employee the Employer has the right to limit salary payment to the minimum for the duration as prescribed by law from time to time as described in the Staff Manual.En in het Staff Manual staat hierover:
In the event of illness, the Employer may be allowed to pay less salary in accordance with the employment agreement and the Staff Manual. The statutory minimum is 70% of the base salary, subject to a statutory maximum.
Hi both,Thanks for taking the time today. I think it is really important that in these situations we keep an open dialogue to prevent escalation. So thanks for putting in the effort.What we agreed on today:• We are in this together and we all want to make the team work.• You will check-in with each other if expectations are clear.• You will make sure you sufficiently talk to each other in person.• Respect the normal manager – employee relationship (…)
Thanks for the notes. Adding in my own below:- [betrokkene] , ktr] acted in an unprofessional and very counterproductive manner by:° Calling me a liar when I referenced a policy that is being published by HR this month° Attacking me three times in two days° Saying that I have to earn his respect and his contract is with [verweerster] and not me° Saying that I don’t create a good environment on the team which is untrue and he is creating a bad environment with all the theatrics and not coming back to work as planned- Furthermore I’m concerned about his work. (…)(…)Given the above and that I see both his conduct and work as below what is expected for his role, I have to say that I see this as almost an unworkable situation. I have given this situation a lot of thought and ask you to please support me that the way he spoke and the content of what he said yesterday was counterproductive and not acceptable.
[naam 3] (verder: [naam 3] ) van de afdeling HR van [verweerster] . [naam 3] stuurde na deze bijeenkomst een e-mail aan betrokkenen waarin onder meer staat:
Overall [verzoekster] , ktr] has missed the support of [naam 2] , ktr]:• Not being aligned with the help [verzoekster] wants from [naam 4] (…) during her onboarding period• Not interfering with the meeting with [betrokkene] & [verzoekster] , where [betrokkene] came across as aggressive towards [verzoekster](…)Overall [naam 2] his concern is the tension in the team and wants to focus on removing that. Both [naam 2] and [verzoekster] have the same goal: work in an environment with no tension.Therefoer we decided on a couple focus areas/next points:(…)3 [verzoekster] will set up a meeting with [betrokkene] about how they both can work best together (…)
The reason that I want to escalate it now is that there is “high-speed” destruction going on in the team (…)• Lasting damage is being done to the people in the team. Specifically right now to [naam 5] , [betrokkene] , [naam 6] and [naam 4] . Those have spoken out to me. I am concerned their reputations have been damaged and will further be damaged by continuing the existing situation.(…)• Concern for [verzoekster] :° In my (non-expert) view she is so afraid to fail that anything that could be suggesting that she is not the expert or manager that she would like to be results in an emotional response to fight the other person. (…)° She is trying to operate at such a high speed and while also trying to show she is the expert in all kinds of areas that I am concerned that she will very quickly just breakdown under the workload that she is proactively taking on.
We believe the best action in the interest of the organization, to prevent any further escalation and to work towards a sustainable working situation for all employees involved, is to ask you and [betrokkene] to take a temporary break (garden leave). You don’t need to use any holidays for this and your salary will be fully paid. This is not a request (anymore) but an obligation. The break will start per 16th of September and will end on the 24th of September. (…)We will, of course, investigate your complaint thoroughly and act on the results. (…)
Please let me know what you offer me in terms of ending the contract and how many months of pay.Aan [naam 2] schreef zij voorts:
Please just send through an offer and if it’s acceptable I will leave and agree to end the contract. I can’t imagine working for you ever again.En aan haar team schreef zij:
Hey so I won’t be staying on at [verweerster] . It was super nice to work with you a bit but some things have happened that have made me not want to return. Hope we stay in touch.
I’m about to cause a scene txt u later. Diezelfde dag liet [verzoekster] aan [verweerster] weten dat zij een klokkenluidersmelding had gedaan bij de Belastingdienst, de AFM en de Nederlandse Bank.
€ 477.706,80 bruto.
Verweer en tegenverzoek
Beoordeling van de verzoeken en tegenverzoeken
kande werkgever tijdens ziekte minder loon betalen. [verweerster] is echter aanvankelijk het volledige loon blijven betalen, zonder hierop een toelichting te geven of daarbij een voorbehoud te maken. Volgens [verweerster] is het gebruikelijk bij kortdurende ziekte het volledige loon door te betalen. Langdurige ziekte komt eigenlijk niet voor, zodat [verweerster] daarmee eigenlijk geen ervaring heeft.
Werkgerelateerde factoren hebben een grote rol gespeeld in het ontstaan van de beperkingen, waarbij sprake is van een verstoorde werk-relatie.
14 februari 2022 in aanwezigheid van de griffier.