the Šiauliai Regional Court(Litouwen) en strekt tot de aanhouding en overlevering van:
2.Identiteit van de opgeëiste persoon
3.Grondslag en inhoud van het EAB
Judgment rendered by Šiauliai District Court Radviliškis Courthouse(Litouwen) van 26 april 2021
(No. 1-33-766-2021)(vonnis I)
judgment rendered by the Šiauliai District Court(Litouwen) van 14 oktober 2019 (vonnis 2)
“Did the wanted person appear in person at the hearing?
If not, had he been summoned in person to appear at the hearing - meaning he received the notification personally, in his hands?
Had the notification been sent to the address the wanted person hadprovided himself during the pretrial proceedings in this case? And was he thereby explicitly informed about his obligation to notify the authorities about any possible changes of address and of the consequences if he failed to do so?
Could you inform us if he had given a mandate to a lawyer, who actually defended him at the hearing?
Has he been served with the decision in person, and was he thereby expressly informed about the right to a retrial, or an appeal, in which he has the right to participate and which allows for the merits of the case to be re‐examined?”
“Convict [opgeëiste persoon] did not appear in person at the hearing when it was requested to issue the EAW and while merits of the case were examined.
The summons to the first hearing on 20/01/2020 was served on the spouse of[opgeëiste persoon] . Accused [opgeëiste persoon] appeared in person at this hearing. The summons to the second hearing on 17/02/2020 was served on [opgeëiste persoon] personally upon his signed receipt. [opgeëiste persoon] did not appear in person in any other hearings, he was not served with the summons.
The summons was sent to [opgeëiste persoon] to the address indicated in the course of the pretrial investigation. He was imposed a supervision measure, namely the written undertaking not to leave.
[opgeëiste persoon] did not give a mandate to a lawyer, who actually defended him at the hearing.
[opgeëiste persoon] was not served with the decision of 26/04/2021 in person.”
criminal ordervoor de schuldvaststelling van het bezit van cannabis. Dit is een schriftelijke procedure. In de aanvullende informatie van 14 april 2022 met betrekking tot vonnis 2 is onder punten 3 en 4 beschreven dat deze
criminal orderis betekend aan de opgeëiste persoon op 19 oktober 2019 en dat hij hierin is gewezen op zijn recht om beroep in te stellen binnen 14 dagen. De opgeëiste persoon heeft met zijn handtekening bevestigd dat hij op de hoogte is gesteld van zijn rechten. De opgeëiste persoon heeft geen gebruik gemaakt van dit recht en heeft daarom geen recht meer op een nieuwe inhoudelijke behandeling van de zaak.
“The convicted [opgeëiste persoon] did not participate in the adoption of the Court Criminal Order, as a criminal order shall be adopted in a written procedure within 7 days from the date of receipt of the criminal case.
No hearing was held, and the person was not summoned.
The Criminal Order of October 14, 2019, of the Siauliai Chamber of Siauliai District Court was handed over to the convicted person, [opgeëiste persoon] , for getting acquainted and personal signing on October 19, 2019, at the address of his place of residence.
It was clarified to [opgeëiste persoon] , convicted by the Criminal Order of October 14, 2019, of the Siauliai Chamber of Siauliai District Court that he had the right to submit a request for a court hearing of the case within 14 days of receiving this document if he did not agree with the Court Criminal Order. In case this right was not exercised, the Court Criminal Order shall take effect and it shall be enforced. An effective criminal order of the court shall not be appealed.
On November 5, 2019, the Criminal Order of October 14,2019, of the Siauliai Chamber of Siauliai District Court entered into force, and it was submitted for execution.”
14 oktober 2019, waarbij hij is gewezen op zijn recht om een hoorzitting aan te vragen binnen 14 dagen. De opgeëiste persoon heeft hier geen gebruik van gemaakt.
4.Strafbaarheid: feiten waarvoor dubbele strafbaarheid is vereist
6.Toepasselijke wetsbepalingen
[opgeëiste persoon]aan
the Šiauliai Regional Court(Litouwen) voor de feiten zoals die zijn omschreven in onderdeel e) van het EAB.