the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Republic of Latvia(Letland) en strekt tot de aanhouding en overlevering van:
2.Identiteit van de opgeëiste persoon
3.Grondslag en inhoud van het EAB
Riga City Vidzeme Suburb Court judgment of 20 September 2017, by which [opgeëiste persoon] was admitted to be guilty for commission of the criminal offence provided for by the Section 253 (1) of the Criminal Law, and, approving the agreement concluded between Prosecutor and [opgeëiste persoon], was imposed the liberty deprivation for 2 years 3 months, laying down the suspended sentence with the probationary period for 2 years 6 months.
Riga City Vidzeme Suburb Court judgment of 24 September 2019, by which [opgeëiste persoon] was admitted to be guilty for commission of the criminal offence provided for by the Section 253 (1), Section 2532 (1) of the Criminal Law and imposed the liberty deprivation for 4 months 20 days, partially merging the mentioned sentence with the punishment imposed by Riga City Vidzeme Suburb Court judgment of 20 September 2017 and thereby as final sentence was laid down the liberty deprivation for 2 years 5 months.
6.Toepasselijke wetsbepalingen
[opgeëiste persoon]aan
the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Republic of Latvia(Letland) ten behoeve van de tenuitvoerlegging van het gedeelte van de vrijheidsstraf, te ondergaan op het grondgebied van de uitvaardigende lidstaat, dat is opgelegd wegens de feiten 1 en 2.
[opgeëiste persoon]voor zover het EAB betrekking heeft op het gedeelte van de vrijheidsstraf dat is opgelegd wegens feit 3.