2.1.CSU levert schoonmaak- en andere diensten aan het Hotel, een vijfsterrenhotel aan de [adres] te Amsterdam . Op 5 december 2016 hebben partijen daartoe een overeenkomst gesloten. In die overeenkomst staat onder meer het volgende:
The principal has given an exclusive order to the contractor, who has accepted this order from the former, to provide facilities and services in the hotel to be opened by the principal (…)
1. The contractor shall provide the principal those facilities and services that are specified in the appendix/appendices signed by both parties which is/are attached to this contract, and is/are included by reference as if set forth fully herein (the “Services”), at the places and with the frequencies also specified in the appendix/appendices.
6. The Principal shall not be allowed, during the term of this contract, or during a period of one year following its termination, to conclude – either directly or indirectly – any contract, expressly including a contract of employment, with employees of the contractor’s, other than and not exceeding above mentioned employees. (…)
Further conditions for transfers of employees are:
The Contractor will have exclusivity (i.e. the Principal will not use on a fixed basis any other agency providing the agreed services stipulated in the contract) throughout the duration of this contract, for only services described in this contract (…). On top of the abovementioned insourcing of services agreed between the Principal and the Contractor, the Principal and Contractor will review possible further insourcing of the services mentioned in this contract once a year, starting one ear after the commencement of this contract.
9. The principal shall pay the contractor a consideration for the Services provided in the previous calendar months on a monthly basis (the “Consideration”). Each such monthly reimbursement and payment shall be made subject to the issuance by the contractor of an invoice that will be submitted to the principal not later than the 10th of each month. The Consideration shall be calculated based on the following prices and the scope and amount of Services rendered during the previous calendar month as documented by the principal. (…)
11. This contract shall be subject to the Contractor’s General Terms & Conditions, as agreed by the principal on the one hand and the contractor on the other. (…) In case of contradiction between the T&C and nay provision of this agreement, the provisions set out in this agreement shall prevail.
In artikel 2 en appendix 1 van de overeenkomst staan de prijzen genoemd voor de schoonmaak van verschillende soorten kamers in het Hotel en de publieke ruimtes (“front of the house (night time)”). Bij de opmerkingen over de schoonmaakkosten van de publieke ruimtes (€ 27.956,02 per maand) staat onder meer het volgende:
“This amount will be adjusted according to actual work performed by the Contractor.”
In appendix 1 staan alle kamers in het Hotel vermeld, met daarachter per kamer het soort bed dat daarin staat, het type kamer, het aantal badkamers dat zich in de kamer bevindt, het soort badkamer, het aantal credits (een rekeneenheid voor de prijs van de schoonmaak van suites en andere bijzondere gastenkamers) van de kamer en het aantal minuten dat staat voor de schoonmaak ervan.