the Regional Court in Poznań(Polen) en strekt tot de aanhouding en overlevering van:
2.Identiteit van de opgeëiste persoon
3.Grondslag en inhoud van het EAB
cumulative judgment of the District Court in Piła dated 30 April 2019, Case No. II K 59/19.
the District Court in Piłabij brief van 10 maart 2020 onder meer het volgende medegedeeld:
a) In respect of Case No. II K 59/19 the merits of the case were discussed during the trial which led to the cumulative judgment. The issue of the Convict's culpability was not examined in these proceedings. It has to be indicated that the case in respect of handing down the cumulative judgment was brought by [opgeëiste persoon] and he was duly notified about the trial date (the notification about the court hearing date was sent to the address provided by the Convict),
the Regional Court in Poznańbij brief van 14 april 2020 onder meer het volgende medegedeeld:
5.Toepasselijke wetsbepalingen
[opgeëiste persoon]aan
the Regional Court in Poznań(Polen).