the District Court in Wrocław(Polen) en strekt tot de aanhouding en overlevering van:
2.Identiteit van de opgeëiste persoon
3.Grondslag en inhoud van het EAB
final and binding judgement of the Regional Court for Wrocław-Śródmieścievan 7 september 2016 (II K 975/14).
- In regards of [opgeëiste persoon] a final and binding judgment was issued deciding about his guilt, a conviction was handed down once the whole criminal case was heard;
- The appellate hearing before the District Court in Wroclaw, took place on May 24, 2017. During that hearing, [opgeëiste persoon] was represented by his assigned counsel, advocate Leszek Sokolowski, appointed at his request. The counsel appeared in person at the hearing, he represented [opgeëiste persoon] and spoke on his behalf.
4.Strafbaarheid: feit waarvoor dubbele strafbaarheid is vereist
6.Toepasselijke wetsbepalingen
[opgeëiste persoon]aan
the District Court in Wrocław(Polen) ten behoeve van de tenuitvoerlegging van de vrijheidsstraf, te ondergaan op het grondgebied van de uitvaardigende lidstaat, wegens de feiten waarvoor zijn overlevering wordt verzocht.