1.De procedure
2.De feiten
With this letter I confirm your suspension which has been discussed with you in our meeting on Thursday the 19th of April 2018. In our meeting I have explained the reason for your suspension, in short because I have been made aware that your behavior towards at least one employee has resulted in a threatening and intimidating work environment. I have asked [naam bedrijf](een onderzoeks- en trainingsbureau, hierna [naam bedrijf] , vzr.)
to conduct the investigation into the situation on behalf of Sanquin. You will be contacted by them regarding further steps. (…) I’m confident that you have been informed sufficiently. If you have any questions, you can contact me via e-mail or by telephone.”
[naam bedrijf] have now concluded the independent investigation I requested. They have prepared a report, a copy of which I have attached to this email. Based upon the conclusions drawn in the report we come to the conclusion that a) your actions towards a colleague have been inappropriate and b) you have been responsible for creating a hostile working environment. Furthermore we have come to the conclusion that there is an irreparable breach in trust as well as in the working relationship with you. This is not only demonstrated in the report but also in the way that you have recently communicated with us.”
4.De beoordeling
1. Persoonsgegevens moeten:
a) worden verwerkt op een wijze die ten aanzien van de betrokkene rechtmatig, behoorlijk en transparant is („rechtmatigheid, behoorlijkheid en transparantie”);