1.De procedure
- het verzoekschrift, met bijlagen, ingekomen ter griffie op 6 april 2018;
- de tussenbeschikking van 17 mei 2018, waarbij een mondelinge behandeling is bepaald;
- het proces-verbaal van de mondelinge behandeling, gehouden op 15 augustus 2018, en de daarin genoemde stukken.
2.De feiten
joined into a single proceeding” met kenmerk VIII Pg 443/94.
joint decision”) van 6 januari 2000, in de zaak met kenmerk VIII Pg 443/94, (hierna: het vonnis) heeft de District Court in Ljubljana de vorderingen van NLB toegewezen. Bij arrest van 19 december 2002 (hierna: het arrest) heeft de High Court in Ljubljana het door Istraturist ingestelde hoger beroep afgewezen en het vonnis bekrachtigd. Op 28 december 2004 (hierna: het vernietigingsarrest) heeft de Supreme Court in Ljubljana het vonnis en het arrest van de High Court vernietigd en de zaak voor afdoening terug verwezen naar (in de Engelse vertaling) “
the first degree court for a new trial”, althans “
for a repeated decision making”.
3.Het verzoek en het verweer
4.De beoordeling
first trial hearing” haar bewijs betreffende haar verrekenings-verweer had moeten indienen. In de overwegingen erna wordt vervolgens terugverwezen naar (in de Engelse vertaling) “
the main hearing” op 31 maart 1999 en naar “
the first proceedings” (en dus niet, anders dan NLB betoogt, naar een “first trial hearing” in “
the repeated proceedings”) en wordt het alsnog overleggen van (ander) bewijs niet toegestaan. De rechtbank baseert dit oordeel met name op de (
vetgedrukte passagesin de) volgende overwegingen uit (de Engelse vertaling van) het PG16 vonnis, in onderlinge samenhang bezien:
first trial hearing. The 2nd paragraph determines that parties may present new facts and offer new evidence in later hearings but only in case they were not able to present them at the first hearing without their own fault.
31 March 1999 at the trial for the main hearingto offer evidence i.e. calculate the claims in the amount that is recognized by the defendant himself. However, the defendant did not act according to the instructions of the court and at the same time, the plaintiff complained during
the first proceedingsthat he did not know what was supposed to be in what the defendant allegedly declared in the set-off to the plaintiff, while the defendant in his statement on the set-off of 7 Apr 1993, and not even later, did not state the basis for the claim, the amount of the claim and the maturity of the claim. This means that the defendant’s claim had not been established and also that there had not been any means to establish it. The trial for
the main hearing was concluded on 6 January 2000. The defendant failed to precisely establish his own claims that were stated in the objection to the set-off until the end of the main hearing, although the defendant had all the possibilities, had been cautioned and had sufficient period of time.
At the hearing on 20 Oct 2010, the defendant lodged a preparatory submission with the enclosures in relation to which the court had already at the hearing found that the
submission was not allowed. It results from the Article 362 of the CPA that a party is permissible to state new facts and offer new evidence at the first hearing for the new main hearing if the party was not able to do so but not due to own fault. (…) It should be added that the court in the repeated proceedings only acknowledged those allegations by civil parties concerning legal understanding and not
the factual allegations which are not permissible in the repeated proceedings or which are only permissible pursuant to Article 362 of the CPA. With the new facts and evidence, the defendant did not offer an explanation regarding permissible exception pursuant to Article 362 of the CPA (…) The fact is that
the defendant, in the preparatory submission of 20 Oct 2010, stated new facts and offered new evidence, for which the defendant could not prove that their proposal was not possible in the previous proceedings.
that a preclusion or evidence maxim also concerns later hearings within the repeated proceedings, due to which specification of the objection regarding offsetting, substantive or procedural, with allegations and evidence is late for the main hearing after the first trial hearing. (…) For the offsetting request, Art. 286 CPA is also valid meaning that the beneficiary had to prove the grounds for his offsetting request within time limits. The defendant was summoned by the court in the
previous proceedingsto precisely define the request, in a manner to offer evidence of the assignment of claim of claims by each individual saver to the assignee, but the defendant did not specify or substantiate his request, that is, he did it only in the
repeated proceedings.