Circuit Court in Katowice, V Penal Division,(Polen) en strekt tot de aanhouding en overlevering van:
2.Identiteit van de opgeëiste persoon
3.Grondslag en inhoud van het EAB
cumulative judgement of the Dabrowa Górnicza District Courtvan 23 april 2007 met zaaknummer II K 531/06;
judgement of the Dabrowa Górnicza District Courtvan 23 september 2008 met zaaknummer II K 471/07;
judgement of the Dabrowa Górnicza District Courtvan 2 oktober 2012 met zaaknummer II K 413/12.
- drie jaar en drie maanden;
- twee jaar;
- acht maanden
- no, the person did not appear in person at the trial resulting in the decision in the case II K 531/06;
- the sentenced person – [opgeëiste persoon] did not appear in person at the trial resulting in the judgement. The summons requiring him to appear in court for the trial was sent to the Sosnowiec Detention Center. He did not submit a request for bringing him before the court for the trial;
- the person was served with the judgement on 17th June 2007 and was expressly informed about the right to a retrial or appeal.
- no, the person did not appear in person at the trial resulting in the decision in the case II K 471/07;
- the person was served with the judgement on 11th February 2013 and was expressly informed about the right to a retrial or appeal;
- The sentenced person appeared in person at the trial resulting in the judgement with reference II K 471/07.
- No, the person did not appear in person at the trial resulting in the decision in the case II K 413/12;
- The person was summoned in person on 7th August 2012 and thereby informed of the scheduled date and place of the trial;
- The person was served with the judgement on 15th October 2014 and was expressly informed about the right to a retrial or appeal.
with regard to case II K413/12, [opgeëiste persoon] was duly notified of the date of the trial which was scheduled for 2nd October 2010, during which the above named individual was convicted and sentenced. The case file contains an acknowledgement of receipt of the summons which waspersonallysigned by the above named individual on 7th August 2012.”
- diefstal gepleegd door twee of meer verenigde personen
- diefstal, waarbij de schuldige zich de toegang tot de plaats van het misdrijf heeft
verschaft door middel van braak
- poging tot diefstal, waarbij de schuldige zich de toegang tot de plaats van het misdrijf heeft verschaft door middel van braak
- oplichting
5.Artikel 6 OLW
9.Toepasselijke wetsbepalingen
[opgeëiste persoon]aan de
Circuit Court in Katowice(Polen) ten behoeve van de tenuitvoerlegging van de vrijheidsstraf, te ondergaan op het grondgebied van de uitvaardigende lidstaat, wegens de feiten waarvoor zijn overlevering wordt verzocht.